Responses from scar972
Why no interest in reel to reel if you're looking for the ultimate sound? @topoxforddoc wondering what your tape playback equipment consists of? | |
Why no interest in reel to reel if you're looking for the ultimate sound? @tomic601 +1 for the recommendation of Opus 3 sampler. I especially like volume 3, the first cut "House of Rising Sun" is worth the whole tape. Truly fantastic music and sound quality, highly recommended as a first purchase for tape newbie! | |
Why no interest in reel to reel if you're looking for the ultimate sound? @rauliruegas I like the Sota mat and Basis Audio reflex clamp recommendation.Your ideas on how I can improve my quality levels are more or less your personal preference. I'm more satisfied with my vinyl setup now than ever before and it performs a... | |
Why no interest in reel to reel if you're looking for the ultimate sound? @rauliruegas I'm glad you enjoy vinyl as much as you do and own 6K+ LP's, that's a lot more than what I have for sure.You may not be looking for an analog alternative but this post might pique someone else's interest, or at the least brings awaren... | |
Why no interest in reel to reel if you're looking for the ultimate sound? @hadelman excellent first post, sir! | |
Why no interest in reel to reel if you're looking for the ultimate sound? Need a RTR remote, this guy makes them for many models. I use one with my Studer A807. Here's one for the Otari: | |
Why no interest in reel to reel if you're looking for the ultimate sound? @sdrsdrsdr Apparently they did have direct output option back then, according to deHavilland Audio's website:" Some machines such as the TEAC 7030 and 6010 have direct play head outputs" | |
Why no interest in reel to reel if you're looking for the ultimate sound? I've had the same experience with Studer-ReVox, they are excellent machines but they all likely need some work especially replacing those Frako capacitors. I've tried to recap a Revox B-77 before and their PCB board is very prone to trace lifting,... | |
Why no interest in reel to reel if you're looking for the ultimate sound? @chakster your link to the Studer image doesn’t work@clio09 Thanks for sharing the link to International Phonograph Inc., I was referring to Jonathan’s company when I wrote $150.@johnss How difficult is it to convert a phono preamp RIAA curve to I... | |
Why no interest in reel to reel if you're looking for the ultimate sound? @johnss I agree with most part of your post.I have gone through the path of having my deck serviced, recapped, wiring head out to an external tape stage. See my system here: What I'm listing here is the ent... | |
Why no interest in reel to reel if you're looking for the ultimate sound? For a long time, I thought the creme de la creme of Analog is vinyl, and nothing is comparable. Skimming through the posts on this analog forum, so little mention of the tape format as if it is inferior or didn't exist.My post is giving a little l... | |
Why no interest in reel to reel if you're looking for the ultimate sound? I'd like to make a case for RTR. I assume everyone here already has a vinyl setup. Instead of spending 2K on another cartridge or a tweak for that matter, why not spend it on a tape deck? There are reliable highspeed models that can be had for und... | |
What to upgrade to? Bob, if I was making my last big upgrade, I would go out and listen to as many speakers as I can, and it doesn't have to be new. Speakers are usually the biggest and most expensive upgrade and effects everything played through it. Why not spend yo... | |
Reel to reel - Revox B77 - maintenance There are very limited selections of 2-track 7.5 IPS pre-recorded tapes out there. Most pre-recorded tapes found on the bay are 4-track, and IMO not worth the trouble if you're looking for the ultimate sound.A few years ago, I modified a 7.5 IPS R... | |
Rega P10 v Complete rebuild Garrard 401! @gunners01I purchased my 401 from a friend in Dallas, it has not been professionally refurbished and I feel this isn’t necessary if your Garrard is in decent condition. I enjoy being hands on which means I clean, lubricate, change out pulley, spar... |