Responses from spinaker01
Used Levinson 532H or Krell FPB 400CX I think either of those amps could make you happy at a reasonable cost, but I would not say they sound the same and it really comes down to your system and listening priorities. The Krell is a big-assed class A amp so expect large current draw and... | |
Center placed equipment stands I am a longtime fan of low racks over higher stands if possible. Would like to someday get the rack away from between the speakers altogether and off to the side for both acoustic and aesthetic purposes. | |
Brave man, McGowan... Well, on a related, but much smaller scale, I replaced my PS Audio AC-5 power cable going to my integrated amp with an Audioquest Thunder cable a few months back. The improvement was definite but also hard to describe so I won’t try but I’m lookin... | |
The 5 stages of making a bad audio purchase I like to pretend that that’s exactly what they want my loose change for, so they can finally power up their CH Precision preamp with that long-coveted Odin power cable.... | |
Lumin U1 Mini - LPS vs upgraded power cord Just guessing, but likely LPS. All of the higher tier Lumin products use them so there must be a reason they go to the extra expense. | |
The Totalitarianism of the Rational Audiphile I KNOW,! What’s happening to me? I think I’m may be going through “The Change”.....keep rockin Geoff | |
The Totalitarianism of the Rational Audiphile GeoffkaitYes, music is emotional but not when it’s digital. Digital is what music sounds like when you’re deadAnalogue is what you listen to when you WISH you were dead. See, anyone can spew out a ridiculous platitude with no basis in fact. And he... | |
Proac D40R or Monitor Audio Platinum II 500 Check out the WHITECAMAROSS thread, he had the PL500s in his rig for awhile. He seemed to really like them, but like everything else he has ever loved, hated or felt ambivalent about, he sold them to chase the next thing. I can only imagine the sy... | |
Maybe looking at the following to replace my Magico S-5 MK 1 Urbie19 you’re 15 months late to the party on this. The OP has either bought new speakers by now or never will. 😊 BTW, I would love to hear the PL300ii they seem like the real deal to me according to the reviews | |
Any Love for Magico S5 Original Version? Thanks jtgofish. Not familiar with the Supratek stuff -will have to look it up. I assume a tube preamp is the way to go with these speakers? | |
Any Love for Magico S5 Original Version? Actually, I was hoping to get actual responses to what I thought was a fairly straight forward question. I was willing to put up with the two camps’ distraction answers but I thought someone, somewhere must still be using the v1 and happy with the... | |
Any Love for Magico S5 Original Version? Crickets? I had expected several responses by now on how the version 2s were the only one to consider because they smoked the originals and were worth the extra cost over v1s. The other half I expected to tell me to look at other speakers that smo... | |
What's a really great Streamer/DAC box for just streaming Tidal? I can’t imagine the Lumin D2 not impressing you. A simple, well made and great sounding all in one unit. | |
... WHAT POWER CORD(S) ARE PLAYING IN YOU SYSTEM TODAY? Good for you Dan, we’re all very proud of you | |
Speaker Analysis for Armchair Critics Other than his ability to troll these pages, Kenjit has established nothing at all |