

Responses from stringreen

What combo would you choose and why
I would (did) get all the stuff from the same manufacturer.....they will work well together  
van den Hul Colibri - Recondition or leave it alone - how to reach vdH
VDH has a very flawed reputation.  
What do audiophiles do in their cars?
I have a Burmeister (expensive) sound system in my Porsche sports car....the only time it sounds good is in the garage with the engine off.  
New turntable
VPI at your. preferred price range  
FM Tuners
I had a Fanfare FT1 and liked it.  FM is not good in this area...can't put an aerial on the roof  
Selling off Tubes for Solid State, A Cooler Love Story?
Modern solid state is voiced  midway between the golden sound of tubes and the crisp cleanliness of s/s  
Sonus Faber surprise
You're used to the sound of the previous speakers.   You'll enjoy your new ones better after a few weeks.  
Townshend Maximum Supertweeters
Aging audiophiles?  
What do audiophiles do in their cars?
I have a fancy Burmeister system in my Porsche ....a waste.  
Any thoughts on the Woo WA11?
lucky kid  
Does Time alignment and Phase coherency make for a better loudspeaker?
Angeling the speakers back reduces 1st reflection problems, ....it isn't time aligned  
Dustcover Blues
put the dust cover in the recyclable basket for pickup  
Portable Player Recommendation
Sony Walkman....use Grado wired earphones  
Best Wireless ear buds for SOUND..??!
I haven't heard wireless that is as good as the wired variety.  Sony is probably one of the best, but not good enough for me 
A Record Collection/Moral Conundrum - What Would You Do?
I see no issue here.....the records are yours.