
Responses from stuartk

A great singer you may have never heard, or even heard of.
Since this thread is turning toward recommending singers, I'll once again suggest two superb Jazz singers I never see mentioned on the forum: Tina May and Jackie Ryan.     
Confused about adapter for RCA to BNC
@jeffbij Jay’s CDT2MK III to Mojo Mystique XSE DAC Looks like I found one: 
Confused about adapter for RCA to BNC
Source will be CD transport.   
A great singer you may have never heard, or even heard of.
@bdp24 Never listened to him, before. "Spanish Stroll" is the first tune I grabbed off youtube. I have no idea what his other material might sound like but to these ears, his vocals are very reminiscent of Lou Reed, here...not only the vocal ton... 
@rvpiano  Perhaps this is a blessing in disguise - an opportunity to make a course correction.     
Congratulations to Gillian Welch and David Rawlings!
@slaw  Didn't intend to suggest you were.  I'm just disappointed by the fact that they take turns with the vocals on this release, as opposed to their older recordings where Gillian sang lead on everything.   
New remastering of Steely Dan's Katy Lied review by Fremer
@hilde45 There is still some problematic aspects to the original recording... A shame, indeed. KL is one of my favorite SD albums. I mean, really, 1 in 100,000 people have a system like that, so it’s a terrible baseline for making a record.... 
what is more popular silver or black face plates
@bdp24  Fender is making class D modeling versions of those amps-- the so-called Tone Master series. There are good reports on their sonics but complaints about their pricing and concerns about whether they can be adequately serviced.  
Congratulations to Gillian Welch and David Rawlings!
I guess I’m in the minority. Given a choice to listen to Gillian or David sing, I’ll take Gillian every time. However, I do greatly admire and enjoy David's guitar playing. He’s in a select small group of guitarists who truly possess a style all t... 
New remastering of Steely Dan's Katy Lied review by Fremer
What I’ve read is that DBX noise reduction was to blame, not tape machines, but in the liner notes, FWIW, there are no complaints to back this up. In the liner notes, Fagan and Becker do mention "our splendid double Magneplanar monitor. system an... 
@dwest1023 Yes. I gave up on him for this very reason. I once checked out his explorations in the field of communicating with disembodied spirits. I meant to ask him whether that device he uses is SS or tubed but soon forgot all about it....  I... 
2025 Rock-N-Roll Hall Of Fame Nominees
I’ve never paid much attention to the R&R H.O.F. I realize some people get very heated about who gets in or not and the timing, but strictly speaking for myself, whether a band I enjoy is in or out means little. If their music speaks to me, t... 
what is more popular silver or black face plates
At one time, I had black face Princeton, Deluxe Reverb and Vibrolux. The real ones, not reissues. I eventually sold them -- got tired of hauling them back and forth to/from the tech. Wish I'd kept the Vibrolux, though... That, and a 60's sunbur... 
Karen Carpeneter died 42 years ago.
@bolong  The Carpenters were that kind of group that many of my friends wanted to shun because they were a bit kitschy, but many of them finally caved pleading, in effect, that even tough guys need a puppy; and it didn't hurt that the puppy coul... 
Things we cannot be bothered by anymore
@cleeds  I cannot be bothered by those who can't keep their politics out of an audio and music forum. I wish it didn't bother me but I think we are in agreement that such topics have no place here.