

Responses from tfl303

Help with plasma TV choice
I had the PAN vt30 found pic to be too dark for my tastesReplaced with Samsung E8000 really love itAsa far as picture the smart hub sucks but not that important to meThe new pan vt 50 looks brighter in storeIt's your call good luck!!!!E 
CH Acoustic X20/ Elrod Gold Power Cord
? The Elrod Gold pretty special! Have passed the test of time!At least in my set up! 
Pubul57- audiophile, philosopher, and friend
Wow! a real shock though i didn't know Paul personally we had several audiodiscussions and his input was on point and valuable. He will missed on this forum howevernot forgotten. My condolences to his friends and family. Ted 
Elrod Statement Gold Owners Please
It certainly worked for me. Really stepped my system up several levels I have one on amp and pre. 
does anyone have experience with h/k citation 16a?
your on the right track i have used this amp upgraded by a HK guru and this amp ia quite a competitor i have 2 so if interested call or email to find out more info 800-900-2057 ted 
Which High Res releases are worth buying?
blue coast records great sound. however a bit pricey or try MA recordings 
Get Him to the Greek
the speakers looked like meridians at a glance ? 
South Florida Audio Forum
hi, i'm back and forth between Palm Beach and Md. if i am in FL. at the time i would love to participate. please keep me in loop as to the groups schedule.Best Regards tfl303 
Very interesting radio shack vs. audioquest
no wonder co's like V.D. went out of business so i heard!! 
Dude or FSP MK3 Pre Amp
just got my Dude and it sounds great!! cant compare to FSP. The dude is quiet, dynamic, musical and the presence is spectacular. never heard base lines as clean solid or as deep. if you cant tell i am more than pleased with my purchase. 
A headache of choice over CD player
go hi rez get the alpha dac and server with amarra and call it a day welcome to the 21st century. 
Anyone with HD Tracks download experience to share
works fine for me!!! 
Amarra or upgrade my Wavelength Brick
well im using amarra and its spectacular ive been an audiophile going on 30 years, makes digital worthwhile remember garbage in garbage out and must have a synergy with rest of system. 
Amarra for iTunes at RMAF...
i have it and love it !!! 
Dartzeel NHB-508, Any Price Info Yet?
i heard 35K-40k price range something stupid like that !!!!