
Responses from tomcarr

Tandberg TD 20A (Working in very good condition) Value?
Sorry for your loss.Also lost my father this year.Hope the above responses are prove helpful.Tom 
Is it even possible to set up a system in 12x12 room?
Primacoustic panels at all first reflection points (all four walls plus ceiling). Alternately, setup on a 45* axis. Obviously, this mandates a dedicated room to try the "45".My dedicated room is also almost square, almost 14x14.Sounds wonderful (o... 
Your thoughts about an upgrade
+2 for millercarbon's suggestion of a DBA ("Swarm") 
Lesser line with more shine than big brothers
I think it's safe to say that spending more within a brand almost always gets you more, but the best value is at or near the bottom, never the top. I find it odd that Stereophile rates the Maggie LRS class B, and the .7 class C.  
Please Make Audiogon Cool
I like high-end audio. Have since the 70s. I wish it was perceived as cool, but it just isn't. Every single person I have ever discussed this hobby with considers it odd to sit still, with eyes closed, listening to recorded music without talking o... 
Oppo 105 stutter
+1 elizabeth, I also clean every disc, every play 
Magnepan Sweet Spot
Cover up the TV or get rid of it. Also no rack of gear between the speakers. Otherwise, you'll never have the solid center image you are wanting. I am speaking from experience. My Sig IIs are in a dedicated room, with treatment, no TV, no rack.  
Magnepan Sweet Spot
Vandersteen 2Ce Sig II. Properly set up, maybe some treatments at first reflection points, will give you a phenomenal soundstage and solid imaging. 
Vandersteen 2Ce Sig II, biwired with solid-core cable like Anti-cables. Set them up correctly, do some room treatment at first reflection points. Enjoy the sound. 
Does your system hate you when you ignore her?
My system sounds better after 20 minutes and it's best after about an hour.  
High value, giant killer speakers?
Any speakers that are the entry-level of any manufacturer tend to offer much more value than their more expensive models. Pretty much like cars. A 3-series BMW or a Cayman offer a huge slice of the performance of their costlier brethren. I would s... 
New Preamp arrived....
OP- hope it sounds better after some hours. Buyer's remorse- we've all been there at least once, I still remember the feeling all too well. Hopefully that won't be the case here. Keep us posted...Tom 
Help an old fool upgrade his digital thing.
I'm the same age and perfectly happy playing CDs from my thousand or so and growing collection. Easy, no putzing around with a computer, no drop-outs, no wailing or gnashing of teeth...But that's just me.$2500 will buy you a nice new or used CD pl... 
Bi-Wire Cable Question - Can They Be Used As Standard Speaker Cables Without A Problem?
OP- you've gotten excellent answers to your question. Hopefully these will help you solve your dilemma. Let us know.Tom 
Please answer for dummies: Any way to increase power from a Chinese tube amp?
Agree with the above posters that your speakers aren't efficient enough, and/or your amp isn't powerful enough. I also agree that you could increase volume control on the streamer but the problem is REMEMBERING TO TURN IT BACK DOWN BEFORE YOU LIST...