
Responses from trelja

6550 vs KT88 vs KT90
Krys, I found the KT90 to have the best bass of the three, far and away. Comparing the 6550 to the KT88, they are very close. I might say the 6550 to be a hair better, but that is probably only because of the KT88s sweet midrange. Drawing your ear... 
Anyone heard Svetlana KT-88s?
Kevin, of Upscale Audio. I come to you, THE TUBE GURU, with a question. I am using KT90(the OEM supplied tube) in a Jadis Orchestra Reference integrated amplifier, with great results. Eventually, I will obviously need to retube. I contacted Jadis ... 
I tried a passive preamp with very good results on several amplifiers. The cable runs WERE short, 0.5 meters. A passive I liked a lot, and included a remote was the Creek OBH - 12. Only about $300. To me, one of THE bargains in high end. Minimalis... 
Some of the biggest audio places carry..
OK, isn't this getting out of hand? You both are two of the most knowledgeable guys on this site. I'd hate to see either of you not here anymore. Why resort to the foul language and threats? We can always disagree, but it doesn't have to become a ... 
Cable "experts", advice needed
Brian, I have never heard Stager. But, the 3 silver conductors are standard with HomeGrown, not extra cost. And XLRs are available. From what I have read on the Stager website, they probably sound very similar(materials seem identical - other than... 
6550 vs KT88 vs KT90
I am using Ei(Yugo) KT90s currently. Please be advised there are 2 KT90s, the older version, and the newer(current) version(3rd generation). The two are NOT compatible. Also, beware the prices of KT90s are really high. The reason is the factory wa... 
Cable "experts", advice needed
Brian, how are you? Gthirteen is correct about the number of conductors for each. If you are interested in XLR, I would recommend HomeGrown. Send them an e-mail, and talk to them they are VERY repsonive. I have been in contact with them, and they ... 
Best speakers for 2A3 SET amplifier?
Mjm, I understand your points. I myself, do not listen very loudly(80 - 90 dB). I am basically relating my experience in dealing with a member of the Philadelphia Orchestra. He came to a store I was involved with for audio equipment. He listened S... 
Best speakers for 2A3 SET amplifier?
I agree with the statement disputing the claim, both "ProAcs and Von Schweikerts, for example, will do full-scale concert dynamics in a 10 x 20 room, with overhead to spare, on a typical 2A3 amp." To me, "full scale concert dynamics" range from 10... 
Tuner Advice. Help a lost soul.
I have an old Sansui tuner. I can vouch for those that say they are good. Over the past 15 to 20 years, I have bought 4 tuners to try and replace it. They were all returned. I have now stopped trying, and just enjoy the music. New tuners are almos... 
What CD has the best production/sound?
Some good suggestions here. A few more: Lucinda Williams(Car Wheels On A Gravel Road), Martin Sexton(The American), Sonny Rollins(Soundtrack from the movie, "Alfie"), and Patricia Barber(Cafe Blue). 
home made speaker cable vs. the big boys
Alexc, they maybe MORE forward than AudioQuest cables. Both are solid core construction, with smaller diameter conductors, to minimize "skin effect". AudioQuest cables, to me, are dead in the middle cables. MIT(not good with tubes, IMO), on the ea... 
home made speaker cable vs. the big boys
Sdcampbell, how are you? You've now had the HomeGrown Audio silver interconnects for about a month now? What are your impressions? Are you using tube gear? I have found the cable to be stellar with tube equipment. Extended, clear, open, yet liquid... 
home made speaker cable vs. the big boys
Thanks for the clarification, Carl! I haven't followed the whole corporate relationship as closely as I should have. My interest was always on the hobbyist end of their business, not the finished speakers. In the past, I have built speakers using ... 
home made speaker cable vs. the big boys
You can make cable equal to ANY manufacturer. Two others to try are HomeGrown Audio or Orca Design. From HomeGrown you can buy copper wire for $0.39/ft or siver wire for 2.80(or $1.80 for 50+ ft)/ft. Both copper and silver are 22 gauge solid core,...