
Responses from trelja

Best system for ROMANCE
Cindy, Faml24 makes a lot of good points. However, please go with the Jolida 302B, as opposed to the 202B. While I really am a big fan of the 202, it is very limited in its abilities. The 302 has MUCH larger transformers. Transformers are the most... 
Best system for ROMANCE
Cindy, thank you for the kind words! I too was born in 1969, on a Friday the 13th no less. Albeit, not to any rock stars. Please go with the Jolida 302B, as opposed to the 502B. I guarantee the sound of the EL34 tubes will be MUCH more romatic tha... 
Silver cables - Great price!!
There are a lot of new cable kids on the block. The latest thing is very thin diameter wire in the cables. I heard two cottage industry cables last year featuring tiny diameter wire. While they were nice in the midrange and treble, bass response w... 
Oh Pls Help
A quick way to see if your hum is from a ground loop is to plug everything into the same outlet(via an outlet strip, if you need). If it disappears, it was a ground loop problem, nothing wrong with the equipment. Then you can go to work on attacki... 
Can I connect speaker wire this way...?
Brian, you don't need connectors. You can use bare wire with no problems. I don't use any connectors on my amp end, OR my speaker end(with my current cables). There are two issues here. If the connectors are better conductors than the wire itself(... 
Best system for ROMANCE
Conrad Johnson CAV50 or Jolida 302B, Vandersteen 2Ce, Rotel 990 CDP, an old tube tuner, Tara Labs or XLO cable. Jazz from the mid 50's to mid to late 60's. Wine? All of the whites from Louis Jadot are great. 
Triangle Speakers...Anybody got opinions
I have heard a larger Triangle speaker. Haven't heard a monitor, but they use the same components in their line. Just the larger ones use larger cabinets, more drivers, and(sometimes) larger drivers. It was quite nice with tube gear. I don't reall... 
Biwire questions - Best cable for
Sam, you are too kind. Actually, I consider you to be the MOST knowledgeable cable guy on this site. Always bringing lots of good, real world advice. 
Biwire questions - Best cable for
At $300 - $400, I would use either an internal biwire(one speaker cable with two leads at the speaker end) using AudioQuest Midnight. Or a shotgun configuration(biwire with two separate cables, but one lead at amplifier end) using AudioQuest Indig... 
Silver cables - Great price!!
Osclib, I have yet to move on the KCTG knockoff. I was hoping to get to it this month, but... No excuses. It's my fault. Initially, a silver cable is a bit bright sounding to many people, but tends to settle in after a good amount of use. Note, th... 
Any advice on CD player upgrade?
Have you considered upgrading your player to an Arcam 9? It includes the Ring DAC, and is regarded to be stellar. As the cost to you would be only the difference between the two players, cost would be MUCH less than anything else you would conside... 
Class A Watts vs Class A/B Watts
Sean makes a lot of good points. A good amp(and we are generally speaking of solid state in this thread) will be able to drive difficult loads. A classic ss amp doubling power as impedence is halved. Usually, I would opt for the class A amp. Remem... 
PSB Gold , NHT 3.3, Paradigm 100 V2?
I am not sure if your list was created of speakers you like, or just coincidence. But they are all relatively in the same boat. Dynamic, demanding, a bit bright to some listeners, and GREAT values. I really love the combinations of the PSB Goldi a... 
Info on LFD Mistral...?
Dragon, please pass along the impressions you have of the Jadis equipment. I am curious. I can understand the qualities you like in a good solid state amp. I evolved into tubes, and it was not overnight. I feel that my amp is very good in microdyn... 
Info on LFD Mistral...?
Eldragon, from the musical tastes you described to me, you sound like the classic candidate for a tube amp. And maybe a warm one at that. Albeit, this would be a major shift in sound from your Linn. I think you may like the sound of an EL34 based ...