Responses from trelja
Another Audiophile obituary Most people don't know this, but over the past couple of decades, Peter suffered from severe hearing loss. Like many people of a certain age, he literally could not hear. You didn't get to see that in print. While he did have his fans, followin... | |
Recommended Speaker List for Atma-Sphere OTL Amplifiers. Good suggestions here, thank you all.I remember Ralph telling me he used Bud Fried's loudspeakers when he developed his amplifier, and I'm not sure there's a better match for either. The series crossovers and true transmission line couples magica... | |
Gregg Allman passed away today As many have said, one of the all-time best. Probably my all-time favorite American rock band. Glad he made peace in his life before going home to Duane's welcoming arms. Rest In Peace, Gregg | |
Psvane 300-B Tubes ? ? ? I served as an importer and reseller of upper end tubes from China...I preferred both the Shuguang Black Treasure and Psvane 300B tubes over the Sophia Princess (TJ / Tianjin), with the Psvane sounding best. That said, of the three, the Shuguang ... | |
Remembering mrtennis I met and dealt with Roy several times. You know how it is meeting most audiophiles in person...Obviously intelligent with a keen sense of his own (admittedly biased) taste. Almost embarrassingly (imagine Woody Allen, and you're a lot closer than ... | |
Ever Bought an Audio Product that was Stupid Good for the Money? geoffkait, "Fulton Nuance floorstanding speakers. New from going out of business sale for $250. I’m not hot doggin ya. Replaced my Quad 57s. Never looked back."The automotive correlation: sold an 87 M3 for an 89 Celica. Never looked back... | |
Have you ever tried a pair of speakers and said this Is the last thing I will ever need. Own and have owned many loudspeakers over the years, but once I found the Quad ESL57, my relentless audio "upgrading" and discussion about same more or less came to an end | |
Is this a disgrace to the Industry ? I actually like the concept a great deal.Is it for the die hard audiophile? Of course, not. But I'm happy to say I share onhwy61's sentiments | |
Bret D'Agostino passed away Impossibly sad news for the D'Agostino family...The nightmare of every parent is to outlive their child. Our hearts and prayers go out to Dan and everyone else. | |
Audio Note Kits Interstage PSE Monoblocks Congratulations on the new amplifiers! Those AN PSEs have long been a product I've loved to own. Hope you continue to enjoy them for a very long time | |
Any love for Jolida integrates? Jolida produces outstanding tube integrated amplifiers. Have previously used them. No, they don't outshine my Jadis, but who would expect that?Put it this way, I'm about to take up a second residence in the Vancouver, BC (no, nothing to do with ... | |
The Davone Ray-S Speaker--A unique speaker that is worthy of your attention and audition Thank you for the passion and determination of pursuing these speakers, and presenting such a well written article here for us, Sflazor! No longer do we see such efforts on Audiogon put forth with any degree of frequency.I’ve also encountered the... | |
The Hub: QUAD ESL-57, Some good things last a lifetime. I've owned a lot of loudspeakers of all types, ported, sealed, front loaded horns, back loaded horns, etc. from a lot of the brands we chase after in this hobby. I could go into the pros and cons of each, but will save folks the trouble. Instead... | |
New amp for Vandersteen 2CE Congratulations on the amplifier purchase! Hope it brings a lot of long term satisfaction.As it seemed you felt open to consider tube amplification, the best amplifier I have listened to with Vandersteen 2 speakers was the Music Reference RM9. At... | |
CHINESE tubes? Due to my history of importing Chinese audio components, several years ago, a number of people approached me in regard to doing the same with vacuum tubes.Over the course of a couple of years, I sold a lot of Shuguang and Psvane tubes. While I fou... |