Responses from trelja
What's your "diminishing returns" preamp choice? I've lived in the no preamp is the best preamp and passive worlds. Both provided happiness and long-term satisfaction. I think everyone should experiment, as despite what anyone claims, those options do offer the best solution for many people. Or,... | |
Do Countries Have a "House" Sound Nonoise, "A few months back I listened to a FM broadcast about a scientist who discovered that cures and remedies can be vastly different due to different diagnosis because of cultural beliefs. For example, migraines are thought to be due to circu... | |
Audio Eden & Lack of Response - Anyone Else? Rja, "When larger items or UPS or FedEx are involved things can go south in a hurry."No, that's exactly the problem. They NEVER go south (or north) in a hurry. Instead, they get hung up in Customs for weeks and/or months. | |
Advice about what to do with not-needed tubes? Don't take either of these suggestions the wrong way, but what I do is:1) Use them as Christmas tree decorations. Honestly, tie a string around them, and hang them on the tree. They actually look pretty cool, particularly, the coke bottle output a... | |
Thinking about buying a different tube preamp... SOOOO sorry for your loss, Abucktwoeighty... | |
What are used tubes worth ? I can understand where everyone is coming from in this thread...That said, it's also the reason I get fantastic tubes at such reasonable pricing. As you can see here, people look down their noses at used tubes.Apart from some of the upper echelon ... | |
Don't know what's wong with me Don't feel bad or beat yourself up, Philefreak.Most of us have to go through such a journey in order to realize what's the best option for us. I agree with you on the 45, but sort of settled on the 2A3, which comes relatively close in sonics, with... | |
EL34 & 6L6 characteristics David, no matter what anyone claims, everyone gets the same tubes from the Shuguang factory. They do not release better or worse versions. When they pass QC, they're good tubes. Again, in my experience, Shuguang produces the most rugged and reliab... | |
EL34 & 6L6 characteristics David, yes an EL34 should normally sound more upfront and sunny than a 6L6. 6L6 generally sound more lush and romantic, which many prefer in this day where components run more forward and/or lean even if today's high-end audio tube amplifier manuf... | |
EL34 & 6L6 characteristics David, most 6L6 vs EL34 comparisons EL34 come out the reverse of what you listed. Then again, EH tubes often sound among them most lush in the spectrum.Generally, I would stick with the EL34, but try other brands. JJ E34L will come across a lot mo... | |
The Audio Critic He's local to me in the Philadelphia area...A friend of mine knows him well, as they live close to one another, and have had to deal with each other professionally. Ten year ago, he told me Peter's an old guy, who cannot hear you during a conversa... | |
Shindo/Audio Physic speakers Despite how things look on paper (I don't put the same kind of faith into specs as I once did), many of the first and second generation Audio Physic loudspeakers prove quite easy to drive.For example, I've heard various systems using the Tempo and... | |
Quad ESL 57 Midrange in a Box - New ATCs? Sorry about this, Cwlondon! I would investigate having the driver repaired. A return to happiness should cost a fraction of moving to a different product, one which has not all that high a probability of providing the same level of satisfaction yo... | |
Surreal Speakers: Made to order in Virginia, USA Curious, Rush... Have you moved on to these speakers? | |
Surreal Speakers: Made to order in Virginia, USA Thank you for this, Rush.I also heard them in July at the Capital Audio Fest, driven by the Atma Sphere S-30 power amplifier. I very much enjoyed the sound. A liquidity and naturalness was present that made listening quite easy. Don't exactly reca... |