Responses from trelja
If you were to market a product, what would you do? I’ve walked down this road, and had success...As the entire world is connected these days, standing up a decent website becomes the obvious first step. From there, focus on audio shows and the day to day interactions that build relationships with ... | |
Quad ESL 57 playing Prince I've had the privilege of listening to more speakers than I remember, and owning a lot of them. The Quad ESL57 remain the BEST loudspeakers I've come across.Quads play louder than most people claim. I'm an 95 dB at the listening chair guy, and I... | |
FED-EX ground and SMART POST..........It travels around the US with no place to go autospec, "I don't understand the " nothing to lose" statement."Agreed | |
FED-EX ground and SMART POST..........It travels around the US with no place to go Sorry, Will...I had a similar experience earlier in the month. Bought a fairly small and inexpensive item on ebay. The seller was located in the Detroit area, and I'm close to Philadelphia. Normally, I would expect this to arrive in 2 - 3 days ... | |
Why don't amplifier Companies use high end fuses? Kudos to nonoise and geoffkait in this thread for some of the most interesting and best posts I've read on Audiogon in a very, very long time... | |
Have you ever met another audiogon member in person? I've met a whole lot of Audiogoners, many of which became good friends. Most do not take part in the threads, but a few who do:As Michael (Swampwalker) mentioned, we met. Obvious from his long time Audiogon participation, he's an absolutely stel... | |
Who and what are BEL/Bell Labs amplifiers Inspiring posts roberjerman and mesch, thank you! | |
walter becker Rest in Peace My ALL-TIME favorite musical group. This band did more to change my life than any other. I can't even begin to put into words all the thoughts, emotions, and funny stories about them and the journey they took me on. But I will share this -... | |
Tech That Flopped! Good suggestion on the Transmission Line.Some of the best bass one will encounter, though not in the way most would expect and incredibly difficult to put into words. But actually far more important on the midrange, and also far simpler to get ri... | |
Dont Ship UPS, Marantz tuner DOA It's good to resurrect this post, as we obviously ship a lot of gear in this hobby.As someone who's worked in importing and manufacturing high-end audio gear, I've made a lot of shipments. Here is where I've landed as a result of my journey.1. US... | |
Audio Physic Virgo I (or Virgo II): still considered a very good or great speaker? Hello, Jim.I meant the original version, the Tempo I. It's a fantastic loudspeaker, different in many ways from the Virgo, but still notable. | |
Audio Physic Virgo I (or Virgo II): still considered a very good or great speaker? Nice summary, prof.You and I are of the same mind on the Joachim Gerhard magic. I think his AP designs remain at least as good as most of what's come down the pike since. At the normal $1500 asking price, the Virgos are an obvious answer for any... | |
Lesser known 2 way bookshelf Speakers from the 80's +2 for Fried. Agree on both the Beta and C satellitesApart from cosmetics, still better than most loudspeakers today | |
Oswaldsmillaudio, ever heard of it. I've participated in the annual tube tasting weekends. As Whart mentioned, definitely not mainstream, but lots and lots of fun.Jonathan is a really good guy. | |
Another Audiophile obituary +1 @geoffkait |