Responses from trelja
My wife passed yesterday So deeply sorry for your loss, Chayro. It takes courage to share that here. Please accept my most profound condolences. | |
Inexpensive pair of bookshelf speakers. Not sure you're keeping the new Silverlines (congratulations!), but there's a pair of Fried Betas for $100 that probably will languish here.Sad what's happened to the high-end audio hobby. Too many people buy stuff based on their eyes, not ears. T... | |
How Things Change Very reflective thread, Sabai. You deseve a lot of credit.I consider this whole audio thing a journey. That being the case, evolution goes hand in hand with that. I am sure there are some here who began their Audiogon life as devout solid state mu... | |
Audio Physic Libra bass driver replacement I believe the best option in this scenario is to contact Bill Legall of Millersound. He is the repair facility for countless folks, including many recognizable high-end audio loudspeaker manufacturers.If one driver went, most likely, the other has... | |
Rectifier Tubes 5AR4 : New production vs NOS Marty, those JJ 5AR4 really do sound outstanding. Probably not as good as the Mullards, but at 10% the cost, pretty close. And, you know when you buy a new tube, it's actually new. But again, their threshold of arcing over sits disappointingly low... | |
Your most disappointing purchase or audition? I understand your sentiment, Mapman, but it's the right of a person and/or company to defend themselves.Knowing how people react to their sacred cows getting kicked, the subject matter of this thread is inherently contentious. I know how this will... | |
Rectifier Tubes 5AR4 : New production vs NOS I also agree the rectifier is important.Mullard 5AR4 have set the standard for both sound quality and reliability. Look at how many are still in use, and the prices they command.Based on Marty's recommendation, I may give the Gold Lion's a try. So... | |
Your most disappointing purchase or audition? As I've previously said, Ralph has established a tremendous amount of credibility and good will over the years.So, I believe in the STRONGEST possible terms that the almost 40 years he has run Atma Sphere needs to account for a lot of trust and go... | |
Hi Fi House liquidation Thank you, Lou! I'll give you a call.What's disappointing is that requests to return phone calls and e-mails to Quaker City Auctioneers have gone without reply. No one ever answers the phone, and no one returns a call. They seem to lose interest i... | |
Hi Fi House liquidation Hello.This is an update to the several members who have contacted me in regard to pick up and shipment of your items. I have reached out to Quaker City, and requested that as someone who works during the normal and expected hours of a day job, cou... | |
Your most disappointing purchase or audition? Of course, no product is going to suit everyone when it comes to sound and/or system compatibility, so I make no claims that way. However, one thing that I do feel is true is the reliability and support that Atma Sphere provides in their product.T... | |
Hi Fi House liquidation Hello everyone, I've received all of your messages, and replied.Give me a call after work today, and I can make a run to Broomall. I would need the address... | |
Hi Fi House liquidation You're exactly right, Bifwynne. I live in Lafayette Hill. It's actually, Miquon, but no one's ever heard of that place. With the budget cuts of the USPS, they closed our Post Office, and we got absorbed by Lafayette Hill. I should say that some ha... | |
Hi Fi House liquidation Admranger, Trytone, Vnttg, or anyone else, if you have further problems, please contact me offline.Not sure where the items are currently, but I live next door to the golf course that hosted the auction. I could pick items up for you in the Philad... | |
Your most disappointing purchase or audition? Thank you for providing the link, Al!It's quite strange in exactly what you said being true, the same point is made over and over again. I find it doesn't lend tremendous insight into the design of the AZ loudspeakers. At any rate, forgive me for ... |