
Responses from trelja

Bias adjustment for Jadis DA5
Weissenb, are you comfortable with working with high voltages? The JOR is 450+V, certainly a more than dangerous level. If you don't have experience with this, you should have a local tech handle it for you.You need to take the amplifier apart, re... 
Tone Controls can be so nice.
I also agree. When it comes to tone controls, the self-aggrandizing purity of high-end audio recalls the famous Polaner All-Fruit commercial.Our intelligence, progressive thinking, and overall utter goodness resulted in advancing so far over the h... 
Thanks to John and his crew at Audio Connections
Though I didn't attend the get together this year, I've made the event several times in the past. It's always a good time. As has been said, John is a great guy, with a fantastic store. I consider him a friend. 
R.I.P. Brent Rainwater a.k.a.
So sorry to hear of Brent's passing. My deepest condolences to his family, loved ones, and friends.I met him several times at RMAF. What a great guy! He will be both remembered and missed. 
Loss of a good man, friend, audiophile Rainwater
So sorry to hear of Brent's passing. My deepest condolences to his family, loved ones, and friends.I met him several times at RMAF. What a great guy! He will be both remembered and missed. 
Dynakit 70 Stereo Question
Two Dynakit ST70s in your attic are a real find! If you choose not to keep them, they'll certainly fetch you a nice windfall on a site like Audiogon, ebay, etc.In my opinion, the ST70 has superior tone to the vast majority of amplifiers, tube or s... 
Jadis OR bias value for Mullard RL34 and KT88 help
Angelo, if I'm not wrong, I don't think you need to bias a DA-8. My understanding is that this represented the power amplifier section of the DA60, which features a cathode bias topology. EL34/6CA7, KT77, 6550, KT88, KT90, and KT120 should all be ... 
Amplifier, less than 10 Watts, for PHY speakers
I don't often recommend SET power, as it can prove inadequate to meet the mettle of the typical loudspeaker. That's not to say I'm not a fan of SET, as I most certainly am. Just that I think a lot of folks overreach in trying to pair the two. Howe... 
Need help finding tube for blue circle Bc2 amps
As they are significantly larger than the typical 6SN7, I'd confirm the Psvane tubes will fit in your amplifier. The same holds true for the Shuguang Treasure series.If you need to look elsewhere for a lower cost tube, consider Raytheon or NOS met... 
Horning Perikles w Frankenstein amp
Michael, you may actually own the Perikles Reference, with 2 12" woofers on the rear.Personally, while I do like this amp a great deal, I would be skeptical of any 300B SET amplifier with these speakers. That said, Jeff normally produces phenomena... 
Pictures for an ad
I love the photos of the component covered with six years of dust. Apart from the environment the company has been subjected to, what does it say about the seller to have not even thought to spend three whole minutes cleaning something they're sel... 
Phillips no longer producing transports
It used to be that Sony transports were bulletproof, and far superior to Philips units. Things completely flipped in the past decade when Sony shifted production to China, and their transports became so bad it was scary. In fact, to fix a batch of... 
the best 2a3
In my opinion, the Shuguang 2A3C is a best buy 2A3, and far superior to the Sovtek. 
Dynaco stereo 80 tube amp?
I previously owned one of these amplifiers, and agree with Elevick's numbers.Other than that, those here most likely already know, but it's basically an ST70, updated/upgraded to address the common complaints leveled against it. In the end, the qu... 
Help with making a decision - Fried Studio V mars
Congratulations on your first ad! Everything looks great. Some lucky buyer will end up with a pair of speakers that surprise and delight them as the discover they compete with most anything currently produced.I wish you the best of luck with the s...