
Responses from trelja

Speakers sound best facing wall????
Dlr, "Sorry, I'm a pretty bad typist."Maybe, but you sure turned this into a humorous thread. So, no need to apologize for that. In fact, stand up and take a bow. 
Speakers sound best facing wall????
Very funny, Shadorne. And, it even gets better as it looks like we'll soon be rid of Bose speakers. 
Speakers sound best facing wall????
Amar is the speakerbuilder, Omar's the tentmaker. 
TRELJA in Denver - 2008
Teddy_bear, are you Joe? If so, I apologize for not spending as much time with you as I probably should have. But, we'll hopefully catch up with things at Russ' Christmas party. 
Which Integrated got you off the merry go round?
For me it was the Jadis DA60.Has more than enough power to really get the woofers flapping, yet sounds delicate, sweet, and emotional. Just plain makes music, as good as anything I've ever listened to. Once I settled on the right tubes for me in i... 
Best 2 Channel Integrated Used for under 750?
Personally, I would go for a tube integrated. In my experience, the overall musicality and enjoyment they will provide will be head and shoulders above any solid state or hybrid, in addition to being quite reliable and headache free.Given your pri... 
More CD Player selection woes
Ebuzz's post is not as far off as some people might think.As the former distributor of Opera Audio/Consonance products in the North American market, I can offer up my experience on their CD players. In fact, the CD players are among the main reaso... 
Rob, I would imagine getting an insightful opinion on the differences in these two models might be challenging. Most people will own one or the other, and have no opportunity to audition each of them in the same system.That being said, the MKII lo... 
I own a DJH edition. It's one of those stupid good components.Have heard a lot of more expensive preamps that don't sound as good. It's the first preamplifier that I've had in my system that's stayed there. Tremendous match with my AtmaSphere M60 ... 
Reference 3A Grand Veena
I also heard them at RMAF. They sounded pretty good, but at my local dealer's they were absolutely incredible. Credit the bad rooms at RMAF.When I heard them at my dealer's place, I walked in with the notion that they were priced higher than they ... 
Favorite Speakers at RMAF
Macrojack, I really, really liked the Oswalds Mill horn loudspeakers at RMAF. In fact, it was easily one of my favorite rooms. My only problems with the design were the extreme looks/low WAF and what must be an absolutely stratospheric pricetag, t... 
Favorite Speakers at RMAF
I was there, and was really hoping to meet you, Macrojack.The Oswalds Mill speakers were one of my favorites as well. Thankfully, I'm only an hour from Jonathan Weiss, and have been fortunate enough to attend his annual Tube Tasting. He's a great ... 
TRELJA in Denver - 2008
Good to see you made it home safely, Ralph!Since that's what I do for a living, it's always good news for me when people talk about variants of the UNIX OS. 
TRELJA in Denver - 2008
Shadorne, people encounter a lot of platitudes along the way, but your post was one of the few times in this life where things really come across as being heartfelt. Thank you very much for your kind words.Thanks to everyone else as well.Drubin, y... 
Favorite Speakers at RMAF
Maybe it's just me, but while I found the RSAD speakers nice enough at RMAF2008, they didn't come anywhere close to justifying their asking price to me.Whenever you commit to a speaker of that size, regardless of what the package offers otherwise,...