Responses from trelja
TRELJA in Denver - 2008 Thanks to all for the kind words.Clio09, it was truly my pleasure.I think we need to either kind of lead the digital engineers by the nose to get where we need to get, or we need a whole new crew of people to get us there. By that, I mean, there n... | |
CD players with no or configurable upsampling I think you're totally right about using a good DAC, Mjcmt. It seems to be potentially the smartest way to go. | |
What is the proper way to dispose of old tubes? Rodman99999, I need to jump off of this thread, as I'm about to leave out for RMAF2008, and am in a relatedly ebullient mood. At any rate, I appreciate your sense of humor!Yes, you're right, there is sulfuric acid on Venus. I was ignoring that and... | |
CD players with no or configurable upsampling As of the close of September, 2008, I have terminated my relationship with Opera Audio/Consonance for reasons not necessarily relevant to this discussion, but can speak to the differences related to the product line, here specifically, their overs... | |
What is the proper way to dispose of old tubes? Rodman99999, we're going to name your posts in this thread "dumb and dumber". Despite all of your thrashing, you still have almost ZERO idea what you're talking about. As I said, you've provided a perfect example of how having a little, and I do m... | |
What is the proper way to dispose of old tubes? What exactly did I take apart? Just as you didn't (hopefully, wikipedia has since cleared it up for you) know the difference between silicon, silicone, and silica, you haven't yet grasped it, but it's YOU! Give it a little more time, it'll eventua... | |
What is the proper way to dispose of old tubes? It's obvious that it smarts when someone takes you apart in the way I did, Rodman9999. | |
What is the proper way to dispose of old tubes? Rodman99999, your post perfectly illustrates the old saying, "a LITTLE knowledge is dangerous".Again, NO, YOU DON'T FIND ANY OF THESE THINGS IN NATURE. I don't know how much clearer I can say that.The elements on your list are not found in the for... | |
What is the proper way to dispose of old tubes? Macrojack, "If the substance in question is mined, then it is found in nature. Why can't we just return it to nature?"These substances are NOT found in nature. Nor, do they return to nature in such a benign manner, or they would be labeled "biodeg... | |
What is the proper way to dispose of old tubes? Crazy former Philadelphia Eagles linebacker Tim Rossovitch used to eat light bulbs and other forms of glass He'd probably be a good way to dispose of old tubes.For what it's worth, he used to al... | |
Your vote: Most Useless Audio Adjective Fatiguing, jaw dropping, and neutral are all in the spirit of things!Though fatiguing has become more than ubiquitous, it's true, a shrill or bright system doesn't leave anyone I know fatigued. Annoyed, irritated, or wincing, yes. Fatiguied, no.Gr... | |
Whos Going To RMAF 2008 This Year? I'll be there as well. Was there last year, had a great time, and I think things will be even better this time around. | |
Harwood Flooring Information For Dedicated Room Newbee and Has2be have provided excellent advice, and my hat is off to them.The only additional thing I would recommend is a 1/4" layer of luan on the plywood subfloor, which is how I went.As far as underlayment goes, rose paper is the material of... | |
Best EL-34 Amps? Mrtennis, based on most of what I read from you over time, I would think these two products would suit you very well.I am currently playing with my own Dynaco ST70 right now that I just built over the summer. It's an incredible product to say the ... | |
Best EL-34 Amps? Thanks for the kind words, Mariusz! I wish I was with you guys yesterday, as John Rutan is a good friend of mine, and a real honest to God good guy.I'm happy to hear you were able to hear the Music Reference. Those amplifiers are pretty shocking i... |