Responses from trelja
Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2008 I'll be there this year as well.Did both RMAF2007 and CES2008 (THE Show), and in my opinion, RMAF is a far, far better show. It's a much more serious audio show, and at least from my perspective, I saw/met a lot more audiophiles. Much more energy ... | |
How many of us look under the hood?? Doctor (Mechans), don't every forget that when we met that day with Michael (Sufentanil) I told you to run, not walk, away from this hobby... | |
What's best low cost 845? Hello, Phil.Any response on when/where you have heard our Consonance Cyber 845 tube monoblock amplifiers? I'm curious.While I personally welcome all comments - good, bad, or indifferent, I also want to ensure the information being put out there is... | |
What's best low cost 845? Phil, by the way, while I thank you for your mentioning the Audioromy 845, in rereading this thread, I noticed you commented on the Consonance Cyber 845 tube monoblock amplifiers in your comparison to other products.Please let me know what your ex... | |
What's best low cost 845? I own the Audioromy 845 integrated that Phil mentioned. I won it at Russ Prince's (Rcprince) annual Christmas party last year.It's sonic and build qualities are off the charts for the price. In fact, in some areas, such as immediacy, openness, and... | |
Importing/Shipping from China, any issues? Just make sure you use a good shipping outfit like USPS, FedEX, or DHL, and you should be fine. Presuming the shipper (be it you or them) do the aforementioned paperwork, all should go well. Ideally, the USPS is the best method to ship, so if your... | |
Stranded vs singal core conductors and skin effect Bob, yes, that is what I meant.But, different salts (or, spices) do taste different in the same way that different cables sound different.No one really questions subjectivist opinions when it comes to food, wine, wristwatches, clothes, shoes, furn... | |
Stranded vs singal core conductors and skin effect "I am an engineer." So am I.Don't ever let anyone hit you over the head with college degrees, experience, or whatever. In other words, you don't have to be a cook to know what things taste like. Try things out, and come to your own conclusions. Re... | |
Recommended 12au7/5814s for Atma-sphere MP-3 Bill, thanks for jogging my memory - a friend gave me a few of RCA 12AU7 Clear Tops a few years ago to try in this amp, telling me how great they were, and I completely forgot about them. I'll need to give them a shot... | |
Recommended 12au7/5814s for Atma-sphere MP-3 In my Jadis DA60's 12AU7 positions, I'm running the Mullard Blackburn 12AU7/ECC82. The best sound I have gotten so far, but I still think I can do better.Other tubes tried were Brimar 12BH7 and Sylvania Triple Mica Grey Plate 5814. The Brimars, wh... | |
Comments per Brand in Discussion Forums A good topic, Jim, thank you.I'll add that those brands who do not get as much mention could improve things, if they felt there was any benefit in doings so, by taking a more active role in the discussion.AtmaSphere and Merlin clearly benefit from... | |
solder-Eutechnic,Wonder,WBT?? I'm quite interested in this thread, and hope that people will offer some insight as to some specifics of each solder they have tried, from a sonic perspective.Personally, I have a friend that has tried a lot of solders over the past 20 years, and... | |
Crossovers Bob, based upon my own work in designing crossovers, I strongly disagree with your assertion.In fact, your own links do not well support your position. By that, I mean no offense, so let's talk things through...First, for the obvious reasons, thro... | |
Earl Root, the Root of All Evil, RIP I'm truly sorry to hear of the passing of Earl. It's obvious that we lost the kind of person who really lived his life making a positive impact on things.Thank you for this thread, Ralph. You did a fantastic job in laying out the persona of Earl. | |
Crossovers Think of crossover parts like speed bumps, the less you have in the speaker's crossover, the easier it is for the partnering amplifier to drive the loudspeaker as there is less for the amp to push through.Therefore, next to speakers which use no c... |