
Responses from trelja

Crossoverless Speakers - Ultimate Solution ?
Crossovers are easily both the most important, yet least understood are of loudspeaker design. In my opinion, this is the reason there are so few truly good sounding loudspeakers on the market.My opinion of crossoverless loudspeakers (apart from d... 
Granite Audio 770 Tube Pre-amp & its phono sec.
Maybe you are talking about the Lamhorns that Robert Lamarre of Tenor Audio manufactures, Mariusz?I didn't bring them to CES2008, but we'll be sharing a room with Robert (he'll also have a Tenor room, obviously) in Montreal next month with these b... 
Audio Physic Avanti Century vs Avanti III
Very good job on providing the background on this line, Tim!Can you give us a comparison of the Avanti Century vs the Avanti III, please? I realize were now back to the original question, but I would appreciate your insight. 
Granite Audio 770 Tube Pre-amp & its phono sec.
Mariusz, I have a pair of those M15 horns. You are more than welcome to give them a listen. They're probably best driven by something like your Cyber 800 monoblocks, so if you ever paid me a visit, please don't hesitate to bring them along.I did C... 
Has anyone tried EAT Audio tubes?
Dave, it wasn't Tim Rossovich was it?BTW, don't bet him on drinking a quart of motor oil, either... 
Granite Audio 770 Tube Pre-amp & its phono sec.
You are a wise man, Mariusz. Please don't apologize, I'm humbled by the invite, so a "thank you for asking me to join you" on my part is the only thing due from either of us.In the words of someone a lot smarter than me, "buying American is unAmer... 
Granite Audio 770 Tube Pre-amp & its phono sec.
Mariusz, I'm sorry I was out today, and missed your post until now. But, thank you very much for the invite, it would have been really special to be there with you guys. 3 guys getting together is basically an audio club, isn't it?I did a review h... 
Granite Audio 770 Tube Pre-amp & its phono sec.
Mariusz, I share your enthusiasm for Granite Audio and Don Hoglund.I previously owned the tube monoblocks, and was quite happy with them. To me, they sounded their best with the JJ KT88 tubes Don supplies them with, even if I normally prefer EL34 ... 
Designer Hall of Fame
Some excellent names out here, which I'll gladly second, third, fourth...A few that I didn't see mentioned:Paul S. Barton - PSBBud Fried - Audax, B&W, Decca cartridges, Dynaudio, Fried, Hiquphon, IMF, Lowther, NAD, QUAD ESL57, ScanSpeakKen Kan... 
Bluenote Reliability
Thank you, Blazen69.If the Bluenote does have a DVD transport, I think it should be better.My understanding of why so few audiophile players come with DVD transports for the simple fact that the costs involved in getting a player FDA certified (re... 
Bluenote Reliability
The overwhelming majority of failures in high-end audio components across the board are related to the transports/laser heads in CD players.Though the CD player manufacturer gets the blame, they really have little to do it, and are at the mercy of... 
Innersound Speakers
Mrtennis, your points are becoming less and less relevant. It seems instead of simply seeing a situation for what it truly is, and learning something from that experience, you soldier on, perhaps believing through the music of chance, you will com... 
Innersound Speakers
Clearly, I have my version of what happened, and you have yours, "trelja, you are partially correct and partially incorrect about the facts of the situation.""within 30 seconds i heard cymbal, kick drum , acoustic bass and electric guitar. i heard... 
Innersound Speakers
Like anything else, one must pick their poison. Decreased off axis performance is one that Roger Sanders freely admits to. He consciously makes this design tradeoff. Every loudspeaker, or audio component, is a series of compromises, and every cogn... 
a tube amplifier repair technician
Mariusz, I'm really happy to hear how highly you think of Bob!I'm not sure what part of the area you live in, but if it's feasible, I suggest you pay Bob a visit. He and his son Gary are truly wonderful people - very gracious, accommodating, and d...