
Responses from trelja

a tube amplifier repair technician
Mariusz, at this point, it may be time to introduce you to a person who does for loudspeakers what Bob Backert does for amplifiers - Bill Legall of Millersound in Lansdale, PA. You can reach him at (215) 412 - 7700 and 
Budget CD player recommendation
I agree with Tobias, the Music Hall MMF25 is a fantastic CD player. And, at its price, an obvious choice.You may also want to consider a Sony SCD-C333ES, which never fails to surprise me. And, don't forget about buying a low cost universal player ... 
Opera Consonance Linear 2.2 or Raysonic 128?
Sorry to have forgotten to answer your question, Mariusz!Yes, my friend, Jacob George, of Rethm Audio, was using our Reference CD2.2 MKII with piano black lacquer top straight into the Red Wine amplification, driving his Saadhana loudspeakers. You... 
Opera Consonance Linear 2.2 or Raysonic 128?
Rockadanny, I'm happy you are satisfied with the Reference CD2.2 I would guess you have the original version, prior to the Linear and MKII, correct? A good number of these original version units were modified. The original version can be identifie... 
Opera Consonance Linear 2.2 or Raysonic 128?
Sri, I actually agree with Midnitemick...For the same price as the Reference CD2.2 Linear, in my opinion, the Consonance Reference CD2.2 MKII is clearly the superior product. Both players use the 6H30 Supertube in the output stage, but the MKII ve... 
Time to move on, Quad, Coincident or Ref 3a
Wow, four very different loudspeakers.I don't have much experience with the current Quads, so I'm not the best resource to speak on them. Of course, history is on the side that Quads will provide you with musicality.Coincident Super Eclipse is a n... 
Anything under 3 years is just flirting....
Got mine in 1997.Coincident Digital Master w/matching Troubass subwoofers. Kind of like larger, tube friendly WATT/Puppy. Made when Coincident was into asymetrical walled enclosures, before the cabinetry costs/complexities had to bow out in order ... 
Owners of speakers by obscure companies chime in
Duke, I don't know what I was thinking, but I surely should have included you on this list. I'M SORRY!!!Honestly, I first met Duke at RMAF 2007 after all these years of Audiogon friendship. As I told him there, with the Atma Sphere amplifier he wa... 
Has anyone lost their best friend?
I can also relate...We lost Dune (gave him that name because we found him on the beach - lifeguard brought one of the pups with him to work one day), a German Shepherd in 2001 after 16.5 years.Things come full circle as we found Scout at a champio... 
Owners of speakers by obscure companies chime in
Zu surely is an obscure company. A few others I'd like to suggest are B&W, Focal, Thiel, Vandersteen, and Wilson.Kind of ironic that a company named Focal makes speakers, isn't it? I would have figured they made binoculars. And, this Wilson co... 
Best Conductor Materials by Frequency
Personally, I think this whole topic is BS. As those of us in this niche of the hobby tend to be more on the subjectivist side, if anything like this study existed, we would have most probably been hit over the head with it so many times that we'd... 
speaker recommendations?
Are you sure the 8' X 8' dimensions are correct? If so, the most difficult thing is that you don't have a "fairly small room", you have an incredibly small room. So small as to not be able to overcome the room issues that will present themselves.W... 
Jadis amplifiers: rolled off treble?
"i enjoy listening to them because, they can be very forgiving of less than ideal recordings." I agree completely, Mrtennis.My DA60 is difficult to describe, as I can't really call it sweet or euphonic, but it seems to always make the music sound ... 
Jadis amplifiers: rolled off treble?
You're certainly dealing with two incredible products there, Chris.Others can talk about the potential interaction with the SoundLabs speakers if they are what you are pairing them with. The only thing I can really add is that cabling and the room... 
Mullard EL34 as a choice for your amp.
Thank you for the compliment on the Cyber 100 Signature KT88 15th Anniversary amplifier, Mariusz. I appreciate it. I should have the first coming into the country next week, and feel quite excited about it. It basically represents Consonance's all...