Responses from trelja
Too many tubes? I'd concentrate more on getting the best CD player for your tastes, instead of worrying if it is tube or solid state. I've heard good and less good CD players of both persuasions. | |
Love it, or Hate it ? (wood trim) Dislike it | |
Where's the best place for used audio gear in NYC? I agree that if your looking for used gear, no matter where you are, Audiogon is the place.That being said, please try to spend the 30 minutes it takes to get to Northern New Jersey and visit John Rutan of The Audio Connection. John is a passionat... | |
Cable Elevators Sorry, there is no conspiracy or black magic going on this time. There's actually a logical explanation for this, which Rush (Rushton) put forth...The floor covering acts as a dieletric. Nylon and polyester carpets being bad, wool carpet not quite... | |
Reused Item Photos. Misleading? Thank goodness Marty joined this thread! I always love it when he talks about his equipment pictures, especially when he gets a rise out of someone who just doesn't get it. | |
300B or 845? We tried both 15 wpc 300B and 16 wpc 211 SET amplifiers with Merlin VSM-ME, in my buddy Spencer's (Sbank) system, Pubul57.The 300B was a parallel single-ended amplifier, with 2 TJ mesh plate 300B output tubes. The 211 featured a single output tube... | |
RoHS legislation impact on the high end industry According to Bobby Palkovic at Merlin, he feels that the lead free version of his loudspeakers are clearly superior to the products he has previously built, and that the current product are easily his best ever.I've been around his speakers for a ... | |
Build location for tube integrateds I guess the point I was trying to make above is that for those who need some sort of empirical evidence to justify their purchase, a tube amplifier isn't for them. I believe the reason being we do not yet know how to correlate a test to the phenom... | |
Build location for tube integrateds I'm going to step out on the ledge here, but that's life...I don't believe in the "watts is watts" statement. Something else is at work here, which the majority of us (myself included) obviously do not yet understand.Engineers/scientists love to h... | |
Build location for tube integrateds Cary SLI80 (USA)Jadis Orchestra Reference (France)Manley Stingray (USA)Rogue Cronus (USA)VAC Avatar (USA)All quite competent tube integrateds, in your price range, and recommended. | |
Most helpful audio companies Atma Sphere - Ralph KarstenMerlin - Bobby PalkovicMillersound - Bill LegallVAC - Kevin Hayes | |
Stupidgood: Ars Sonum Pubul57, no I have not. I have not bought or played with an ARS. My experiences are only related to my own listening impressions, and speaking to Bobby and the designer.Based on the sound I hear, and the impressions of the owner, I am more or less... | |
Stupidgood: Ars Sonum Denis, I think the ARS Sonum has a lot of the things that make the Jadis so likable to us.My ears tell me that the amp slots between the Jadis Orchestra Reference and the DA30. I would probably choose it over a JOR, but a DA30 against it. The DA50... | |
Stupidgood: Ars Sonum Chaz801, Bobby is correct. The ARS Sonum is in the October Stereophile. John Marks did the writeup.And, I agree, stupidgood! | |
Victor Kalilec Vpk member name on Audiogon passes Very kind words you offered him, Samg. I'm sorry to hear of his passing. I hope he and his loved ones find peace. |