
Responses from trelja

cable dielectric cause of artificial sound
After watching this thread with great interest, the impression I get after it rising and now cooling off is that we STILL know very little about high end audio cabling. I've seen folks of all manner of approaches and background have theories, but ... 
Xmas gift suggestions
This will take a different bent, but why don't you just ask him? Tell him what you'd like to do, what your budget is, and ask him exactly what he wants. "This year, for Christmas, I'd like to get you some high end audio equipment. I have a few hun... 
effect of tubes in cd players
I also have a Granite player with tube and solid state output. The differences are readily apparent, and come down to what I (and I readily admit that I take the contrarian opinion) normally hear regarding the difference between tube and solid sta... 
antique sound 1009
I'll also echo the positive comments regarding the ASL 1009s. A very good friend of mine had a pair in his system, and he's had a ton of amplifiers come and go - from a JRDG Model 5 to OTL monoblocks, to everything in between. For my money, nothin... 
Trying to extract more from my Vandersteen
I'll also come down on the side that perhaps the system can be saved with current speakers. Most of the components in your system is more on the clean and clear side.I was at a Vandersteen event a week ago, and the dealer (Audio Connection) really... 
Thor Audio 5 year warranty for used product?
I've always loved the sonics of Thor Audio equipment. It's terrific to hear their customer service is on par with their sound.To me, this is DEFINITELY a company whose products are more than worth the consideration of the audiophile community. 
Does MDF need to be painted?
You don't HAVE to paint them. But, if you care at all about the cosmetics, it's a good idea.Bud Fried's own personal speakers are in bare, chipped, dirty particleboard. He gave them to me as a gift a few months prior to his passing. I initially to... 
Richard Vandersteen at Audio Connection
I'd like to echo the sentiments many here have offered up regarding the speakers, the company, and Richard personally. He did discuss the Vandersteen forums, which many attendees were active participants in. Again, he must be commended for his det... 
Consonance Cyber 800/845 Valve amps; how good?
Right, Paul. However, some of us feel that music at 100 dB+ is not damaging. Being around live musical instruments is VERY loud. Stand 8' from a trumpet, and it is most definitely not audiophile approved volumes. Yet, the sound is not irritating b... 
Consonance Cyber 800/845 Valve amps; how good?
Thanks Grant, much respect to you as well!!!I know this may be the minority opinion in audiophilia, but I somehow I just cannot feel the soul of the music unless it's played at realistic levels. I could never buy a Ferrari or Boss 429 and drive it... 
Consonance Cyber 800/845 Valve amps; how good?
I recently returned from a few weeks in China. Interestingly enough, a week of which was spent in Beijing with Consonance. The trip turned so many of my feelings regarding what China is and is not upside down and inside out.I must say that during ... 
Shakti Stones Do they actuall work guys.
Nothing funny about it, Grant. Now, a few other words come to mind... 
Corner treatment -- PZCs a sure thing?
Correct, Herman.You have to know your room, system, tastes, etc. In my room, I was bothered by peakiness in the upper mids/lower treble due to reflection/reinforcement of these frequencies that was manifesting itself as a harshness/brightness that... 
Corner treatment -- PZCs a sure thing?
I built my own triangular corner treatments. I just copied the Michael Green model, and did the other two types as well at the same time. The Jon Risch information that I picked up along the way, among others, REALLY helped a lot. The end product ... 
Personal CD player evolution
Pioneer PD-5100 (1987). Still own itCambridge D500SE (2001). 3 of them, all defectiveMusic Hall MMF25 (2002). Great, underrated playerSony SCD-C333ES (2002). SACD changer. Still own itGranite 657 (2004). Still own itSamsung HD841 (2005). Universal...