
Responses from trelja

Ohm Speakers, thoughts?
Line, no, I was speaking of the first Ohm Walsh series ever built, the Walsh A. These were the ONLY iteration that Professor Walsh has his hands in. I was told he was at work, bringing forth a few prototypes to work out a few final kinks, when he ... 
Your vote: Most Useless Audio Adjective
Yes, "tubelike" is also one of my favorites. Good job, Newbee!Grant, I believe you make the most excellent point, about half of the people using this never having heard a tube amp. I'll say the other half has heard (and, maybe even, owned) a tube ... 
Ohm Speakers, thoughts?
They sure aren't beautiful!Seriously, though, my dear friend and loudspeaker guru, Bill Legall of Millersound, finally completed rebuilding his Ohm Walsh A loudspeakers. There are only a few pairs in the world, as Professor Walsh unfortunately die... 
Bargain interconnects to tame treble & boost bass?
Sherod/Grant, what is the difference between MAS Black and Grey?I picked up the Grey at the same time John sold me the 3 Cardas adapters (boy, was I at the right place at the right time for those adapters!?!). The MAS was more or less a throw-in, ... 
Bargain interconnects to tame treble & boost bass?
Congratulations on the new baby, Grant!An issue came up with ordering the microphone from a local dealer near me. They're giving me a refund, but I still don't have the microphone. So, while I'm still feeling the Behringer is the right move, I won... 
Telefunken E188CC Sound
An E188CC tube is a big improvement specs-wise, over an E88CC. E188CC is another name for the 7308, both being prized in the tube world.I think tubes are definitely a flavor kind of thing, very system and audiophile dependent. I may prefer this tu... 
Coincident with 8 ohm vs16 ohm
Please don't take this the wrong way, but I never understand these threads. It's fine to ask for insight to share experience, but there is no way I'd use the input you get from people to determine which output tap to use.In my mind, no matter who ... 
Lifting speaker cables
Erider, have you ever experimented with fondue? I'd like to hear the sonic differences in varying the ratio between Ementhaler and Gruyere. And, for dessert, chocolate, of course.Personally, I am as far as a tweaker as they come... Still, I happen... 
Sovtek 6550 - Can they really be THIS bad???
Jonah, the Ei KT90s had been standard issue with the Jadis products for a long time. I was speaking to Pierre Gabriel prior to HE2006, and he felt my assertion that a few notorious batches of mid - 1990s Teslovak (now JJ) KT88 was enough to have J... 
Please recommend CD player w/volume under $5500
I also run a Granite tube output CDP directly into my amplifiers (AtmaSphere M60s).Now, I have to say that I consider the tube output section of the Granite to actually BE a preamp, so that must be taken into account of my opinion. But, it also ha... 
LA Show Report
Like your show report, well said, Brainwater! 
LA Show Report
Excellent Show Report, Brainwater!!!You've really set the bar high. Great insight into what you witnessed there. It is a great help to all of us who were not able to attend. Unfortunately, from what I see, the other sites, be they professional or ... 
Jadis JP200 and Marantz 7 clones from Hong Kong
I think the reliability of these units would be good enough. Tube audio gear is inherently simple stuff. If you buy a kit, and are handy enough to put it together, you can probably also fix a fair amount of what may go wrong down the line.However,... 
TRELJA almost In New York, 2006
Nice post, Dean!First, in my opinion, you have to be honest. If you didn't like the speakers (or, any component or room), the right thing to do is say so. Now, they might not be your flavor, they just might be bad speakers, or the room might not h... 
Do you believe everything you read on the internet
Come on, this is total BS. I can't wait for someone to try and tell me we've put a man on the moon.