Responses from trelja
Neat cheap amp suggestions . Help me have fun. Not sure if you can find a Bedini 25/25, Marty, but that sure was one honey of an amplifier. | |
Let's add a Spell Check to Audiogon Where have you gone, Sedond??? | |
Does DK Design actually design and manufacture? It would have been appropriate, Evita. But, no, this is the thread where I intended it. | |
Does DK Design actually design and manufacture? I've seen many a response here on Audiogon over the past 6 or 7 years that I have been here. Solid state is better than tube, OTL better than transformers, SET better than high power, electrostatics better than dynamic speakers, vinyl better than ... | |
Alon I woofer cone replacement Agree with Bigkidz. Bill Legall of Millersound is your man. In fact, he IS the person who has pretty much always done the repairs for Carl Marchisotto of Acarian, Alon, Nola, whatever the name is or will be... | |
DIY Internal bracing for NHT 2.9 Personally, I know just what you mean about the bothersome resonance.A close friend of mine who is probably the most respected loudspeaker modder in the industry almost ALWAYS makes addressing this issue a prime focus of his efforts. He uses Dynam... | |
Any Walker SST users? Walker SST, like any of these products, is simply a suspension of silver particles, in an organic vehicle. Whatever is used in these products, canola oil, or otherwise, will dry out over time if it is in the open air.The conductivity of silver is ... | |
Which is best American Amp in $1500-2000 range? Another vote for Rogue. And, Cary for that matter. You also may want to check out Granite, though it's tough to find used - excellent equipment. | |
Teflon caps in an Atma-Sphere S-30 Rev 3 Haven't seen you here in a long time, Tom. Welcome back!I suggest you contact Ralph Karsten at AtmaSphere directly. My experience is that he'll not only give you all the information, but the background, and some pointers at the same time. Of cours... | |
Tube amp $2-3K used Hopefully, Russ (Rcprince) will chime in here - he owns these speakers as well. I am quite impressed with their sound of his, the imaging is haunting. And, the priest who designs them is also a member of the NJAS, you may want to ask him, if Russ ... | |
using hokey pucks for isolating speakers from the Shadorne, I tried footballs, but they didn't work so well... | |
I need a new Source I bought a Samsung universal (SACD, DVD-V, DVD-A, etc.) from Best Buy for $99, and have had no trouble playing DVDs from anywhere in the world. My wife watches many DVDs from China, Korea, etc., and they all play without issue. It's a "Region Free... | |
Is it Audio, or is it Art? Onhwy61, the list of ugly gear that produces some of the finest sound obtainable is long indeed. Looks and sound have nothing to do with each other.I agree that a well engineered piece in a plain jane wrapper hits closer to home to me than the con... | |
Scott Endler Attenuators I've also bought the Endler Attenuators.As has been stated, Scott is simply a terrific person to deal with. Honest, reliable, and prices his products at extremely low cost.The attenuators are excellent to use. As is the case for every component, t... | |
Daedalus DA-1: How Good Are They? Congratulations, Dodgealum, both on finding such a wonderful loudspeaker and on your incredible review! Here's to you having a very long and happy relationship with them.I am quite curious about these speakers. Where did you hear them, and is ther... |