Responses from trelja
DIY cables Vs Mass market cables. Darn, Pabelson, you make it seem a lot less glamorous than the advertisements! | |
DIY cables Vs Mass market cables. As Mapleleafs3 says, JPS buys their cables from a third party. If one knew the source, which I do not happen to know, but have seen spools of it, apart from the termination, you would have exactly the same cable. | |
Anybody tried 20th Anniversary Purist cables? Don't worry Grant, it's only temporary... | |
Quicksilver V4 or Rogue M-150, Hurricane,CJ 60SE I'd also cross the CJ MV60SE off your list. Not only does it have a lot less power than the others, being a two tube per channel amplifier, I just don't think it sounds good.The CJ Premier 140 would be the product that would stack up against the o... | |
Anybody heard the Jadis DA 88 Signature? Hi, Chris!Yes, the Orchestra Reference came with Ei KT90s. Though it was the best amplifier I encountered on my budget when I was shopping around, over time, I guess I grew bored with it. The sound was good, but there was a coldness in the midrang... | |
Anybody heard the Jadis DA 88 Signature? Arthur, thank you for sharing your perspective with us! I'm jealous that I was not with you, or have ever heard the DA88S.Your description of it, and comparison with the DA50S, mirrors what I have been hearing with my DA30 and DA60. I'm hoping tha... | |
Tube Life Question: 12AX7 Drivers Ben, not to be a wiseguy, but you might want to check either the guy you're buying tubes from, the bias settings on that amp, or what the voltage coming out of the wall actually is. Honestly, you are seeing probably the worst tube life I've ever e... | |
Overpriced Tube Amps These posts have been a tour de force for you, Marty! Thanks for the belly laughs!!!By the way, anyone remember George Wendt doing the Meister Brau commercials? Kind of like what Marty just put out there, only the company was actually serious. Sti... | |
Jadis Orchestra Reference SE and DA-50 Integrateds Arthur, thank you for your perspective!All I can say is that "if it sounds right, it is right." And, in my case, these 5751 definitely sound right. It's funny because I bought them from a local guy, and he has thousands of tubes, and didn't seem a... | |
Tube Life Question: 12AX7 Drivers I'm honored by you checking in on this thread, Ralph! Been meaning to call you as it's been a while for us, but I wanted you to have a chance to reenergize after CES first...The three Jadis amps I have owned all use 12AX7; the Orchestra Reference,... | |
Jadis Orchestra Reference SE and DA-50 Integrateds As an update, I have been tube rolling in the DA60 to outstanding effect!Currently, I am burning in an octet of JJ Blue Glass KT88, and all I can say is "WOW"! The improvement over the Sovtek 6550 is simply amazing. Every aspect of the sound from ... | |
Tube Life Question: 12AX7 Drivers Thanks for the responses!Yes, the usual number is 2000 hours for output tubes, and 10000 hours for drivers and preamp tubes. But, I have often found conventional wisdom has little relevance in how things actually work. As Goldorak's experience sho... | |
Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity? Zaikesman, where do I sign???Of course, after I thought about it, we probably can't use "actual" snake oil, as there would be an animal cruelty issue there. But, I have heard via a good source, that a plant based equivalent can be used to VERY goo... | |
Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity? I'm waiting for the company to introduce actual snake oil... | |
Happy Lunar New Year Jayboard, you should definitely be in Chinatown, taking in a good meal, and just being in it. I like to walk around, and whatever happens, happens. You will find what appeals to you.There are also huge Chinese communities in Brooklyn and Flushing,... |