
Responses from trelja

Driver replacement China
I agree, excellent question! Still, if you look at a Stereophile magazing from 10 - 15 years ago, you'll notice that probably half of the North American companies advertising are no longer with us. But, all is not lost when a speaker company goes ... 
Happy Lunar New Year
Happy New Year!!! 
Rank Stereophile, & why no Von Schweikert reviews
Marco, you really helped me out here.I just presumed the ad was a flashback from my drug phase. I was getting paranoid and everything... 
Rank Stereophile, & why no Von Schweikert reviews
One could argue that the "take no quarter, give no quarter" business philosophy is THE best to adhere by, and I certainly understand the viewpoint.However, we live in the real world. And, as we all know, it's far from perfect.Further, there is a "... 
Rank Stereophile, & why no Von Schweikert reviews
Kal, do you not actually read the magazine?Larry, I can certainly empathize with your position. Over the past several months, I have noticed your ads on the "3rd cover" - a new term for me. I can understand it does take up a considerable investmen... 
Granite Audio amps
Oz, I can surely relate to your statement about when it comes time to put the hammer down, you want the oomph to be there. Personally, I thought the Granites were quite strong, but it very well may be the other amps outdo them here. One thing you ... 
Jadis Orchestra Reference SE and DA-50 Integrateds
Hello, Paul. Glad to hear that Richard is doing well. From all accounts, he is a really good person.If you have little need for ultimate bass extension, but prize midrange "rightness" over absolutely all else, the JJ Blue Glass E34L tube is for yo... 
Jadis Orchestra Reference SE and DA-50 Integrateds
Bill, take the Jadis specs with a grain of salt...For example, on their own website, they list the JA800 as using 4 KT90 output tubes, a fraction of what the number is in reality. Also, the Class A/B JOR is listed as consuming 300 watts, while the... 
Granite Audio amps
Ozzy62, so do you have them, and if so, how do you like them??? 
Jadis Orchestra Reference SE and DA-50 Integrateds
Bartokfan, are you in France? I'm not nearly as well versed as you when it comes to Cayin gear, but a friend of mine has the KT88 based integrated. It sure is a nice amplifier, but it doesn't appeal to me in the way that the Jadis integrateds do. ... 
My Best of CES
Bobby, thank you for refreshing my very poor memory in terms of Ricardo. I am very much pulling for the success of you both. The amp strongly reminded me of my Jadis DA30/DA60 - beautiful in the chrome/gold casework, and I'm sure like my amplifier... 
My Best of CES
Russ, can you also e - mail me, please. Want to renew my lapsed membership, and this meeting seems to be a good opportunity to do so. I also want to say I met the ARS designer last year, and he seemed to be a terrific human being. Unlike most of t... 
what is the REAL deal with DK
Well, Audioari1, I half agree with you in terms of the square wave. Your comment on the Halcro is more in line with how I feel. I'll leave it at if an amplifier reproduces a square wave beautifully I can say that it defintely reproduces a square w... 
Jadis Orchestra Reference SE and DA-50 Integrateds
I have owned the JOR and currently own a DA30 and DA60.The DA50 is more or less an update to the DA30. A bit analogous to the update that the JOR was to the Orchestra, and today, the way the DA88S is to the DA60. So, while I have not owned the DA5... 
what is the REAL deal with DK
Audioari1, I'm still waiting for you to address my questions to you in terms of you trashing Jadis integrateds.I understand and can appreciate your fondness for the DK product. While not in the camp that is anti - DK, I will also say that whatever...