
Responses from wolf_garcia

First would be smell. Second would be how they sound in my listening room. Third would be smell again.  
Do CD Transports benefit much from upgraded power cords?
I use an audiophile AC cord for my blow dryer and my hair does have a certain luxurious sheen now. However, I did accidentally drop it in the bathtub and electrocuted my cousin...oops...  
Best way to clean glossy finish on speakers?
Novus 1 online for 6 bucks. Not too shabby.  
Budget preamp recommendation...besides Schiit.
Why not a Schiit Freya +? They're amazing sounding USA made and worthy of their Class A rating. Nothing else comes close in price or features...you can tube roll, go passive, whatever. They even have a new one called a Kaya if you aren't a tube fa... 
How is Quality and Customer Service defined in the 21st Century?
I have had great luck with everything in my system working flawlessly for years. USA made Schiit Audio items (including an original Freya from whenever that was), BIfrost 2/64, Dennis Had and Pass amps, old trusty Marantz CD player (into a bespoke... 
What happen to MQA on Tidal?
Maybe somebody cares but even with a revealing high end system all I could do is assume it sounded better which It might not have. Not loosing any sleep over it.  
Best way to clean glossy finish on speakers?
A belt sander followed by a blowtorch for deeper scratches.   
Best way to clean glossy finish on speakers?
Ozzy...you're a genius. Read my previous post...or not...anyway, you're a genius.  
Speaker cable lifters.
Vibration from music, cat noises, yer mama, police sirens, ocean waves, creepy footsteps of your impending doom, etc., are ever present in the air and no little elevators or tinker toys or anything else will stop that. The wires inside your speake... 
Inexpensive but decent 8" subwoofers
A few years ago I bought a used REL Q108MK2 that's an oldie but goodie...sounds great and has more adjustability than newer RELs. Around 200 bucks.  
Dennis Had FIRE 300 B tube SET
Good to see some other Dennis Had fans (Hadophiles, Hadmen, Hadatolas, Hadmeisters?) as these hand made point to point wired amps are simply works of art, and a relative bargain compared to some "exotica" out there. Rare but cool.  
Best way to clean glossy finish on speakers?
Novus #1. Been using this amazing stuff for years since it was recommended to me by Pat DiBurro, the amazing "right coast" luthier and brilliant guitar repairman, and he got the idea from the late Bill Collings of Collings Guitars when he was hang... 
Watermelon test for audiophiles!
I've found that the only way to differentiate between cables is to cut a piece of cable and eat it.  
Pass Labs 1st Watt Rundown
The Pass XA-25 seems more in the realm of the First Watt stuff than any other Pass amp, and since the XA-25 sounds so damn good I've never been tempted by a First Watt amp. Maybe if my XA-25 explodes or something...However, I like the way old Nels... 
Am I wasting money on the theory of Bi-amping?
Ask yourself why almost nobody, including people who could easily afford it and wouldn't mind the extra hassle, ever bi-amps home audio systems. Almost nobody.