
Responses from wolf_garcia

What new gear have you just bought?
The remote, the relay pots (like in my Freya), and the build quality. Totally worth it even after just a few days enjoying it. I'm sure the Lokius sounds great also as do the 2 Lokis I've used, so there may not be that much incentive to get the Ma... 
Leave system on or power everything down?
Turning things off and on doesn't hurt them one bit. I have amps and things that have lasted decades and been turned off and on thousands of times. Leave things on and a tiny cap fails and wham...too bad you weren't there.  
Audio Research S80 with DeVORE FIDELITY O/96
It's always a good idea to combine overpriced components with each other. 12 grand for a couple of drivers in a box with a veneered front? Count me in!   
I am streaming , how can I play music when provider goes down.
I think a good ukulele is clearly the answer...easy to learn some chords and play anything including hip hop and EDM. Ukulele EDM? Nothing quite like it. Impress your friends with your resourcefulness and remember, you can buy one hell of a uke fo... 
It's almost like poll, but certainly more fun
I’m a watch geek and collect whatever I find to be interesting and a good value. All automatics. A new Rolex currently requires a long wait if ordering one, and they’re very expensive these days. Interestingly they produce around a million watches... 
What new gear have you just bought?
After getting my system utterly dialed in to my tastes I just bought a Loki Max. I was  worried it would pick up transformer hum (Schiit says this is a thing) since I use a Bryston BIT-15 conditioner that's basically a large toroidal Piltron in a ... 
Mental and auditory acuity, and aging
Exercise is the only quantified healthy life extender other than genetic luck. Unless you have some allergy issue your diet isn't that important, within reason...don't get stinking drunk everyday and pound six cans of Spam but simply pay attention... 
Service After the Sale
I've decided to ignore this conversation for a couple of weeks. Seems fair.  
Nothing unleashes an avalanche of blathering like another "cables matter" topic. "Dark with imaging to light with less imaging?" Oh yeah, that’s right...uh huh...it just goes on and on. Note that many factors seem to make a difference. Your toe sp... 
? about Smoking Power Amp
It's been a couple of days, has the house burned down yet?  
Speaker cable recommendations
I think the newer version Kimber 8PR might be the best new cable deal around...uses their excellent "vari strand" copper, great connectors (I use their bananas for the potassium content on the amp end, with "postmaster" el squishos on the speaker ... 
? about Smoking Power Amp
Yeah...always leave the nail in the tire as pulling it out could cause some air loss. Right? Ever see a house fire? Ever see an amp blow up? Is a fire hazard worth it? I say keep using the amp but tell everybody else in the house to move out with ... 
Tracks to test tweeter performance
Vivaldi MANDOLIN concerto. Trust me.  
What was your first record?
Pipeline by the Chantays.  
Being alone with your music
I spent many years playing music for thousands of people. Now I most often simply enjoy listening alone (sometimes my wife hangs with it), recording in my studio, or just playing guitar. I'm perfectly happy with it.