Responses from wolf_garcia
The use of digital pitch correction software on vocal recordings Notes of pitchyness? Has "American Idol Speak" invaded the lexicon? I'd say listen to any good singer and you will hear ZERO off pitch singing. | |
The use of digital pitch correction software on vocal recordings The sound of pitch correction has become a "musical" style by itself, especially in Hippity Hop. I don't listen to pop music much at all except accidentally as I'm too into what I like (mostly jazz), although once in a while a decent band comes al... | |
How do you add color? Two things stand out in this conversation...tubes can be removing information (where do they put it? In cheap capacitors?), and sequencers can add color. Sequencers? In my experience while living in the actual world it seems tubes can get more det... | |
They know we will pay anything they can think of I think since you can't be taller or have better hair or be better looking, it's important to buy very expensive things and tell people about them as much as possible. Or, just go online and claim you have high end stuff so strangers will think yo... | |
If you were serious about sound you would... I don’t believe in the deification of studio engineers, producers, or mastering technicians. Many are very good but plenty of recordings for whatever reason aren’t. Also, often live music is mixed badly so there’s that issue for your reference nee... | |
Question about suitable fuse metals The "magic" fuse (or insane elimination of same) efficacy myth stands to live on through the high end expectation bias fog as long as there are people who say thing like, "the new fuse let me see the facial expressions of the musicians." The fuse ... | |
Preamp for a GaN-FET amp... Is fear of tubes a mental health issue? Tubeophobia? Saying you don't want a tube preamp but you want something that sounds like tubes seems like a paradox. Tubes get too hot? You like to shoot BB guns at your hifi rig? You need to change them out... | |
I saw the back of an integrated and it depressed me. What awaits in the 21st century won't include seafood (other than farm grown...maybe), most current waterfront towns, birds, smokeless air...brain implants? There will be fewer people so there's that. | |
Upgrade from Bluesound Node I use a Bluesound 2i and not its DAC as I thought that thing sounded pretty bad immediately. A Schit Bifrost 2/64 does the job and sounds great. I'll try a better streamer someday maybe but this combo works so well I feel no pressing need to chang... | |
The Audiophile Upgrade Easiest to Ignore An audiologist test doesn't test for what is essentially the benefit of a lifetime of listening to music. Plenty of older individuals (not unlike myself) have developed listening skills and tastes that I feel transcend hearing range particularly..... | |
I Am Not an Audio Snob Just bought a Loki Max and it's amazing. Ordered some "chicken head" knobs so I can more easily see changes from my sitting position. Some "snobs" don't like chicken head knobs...and I say, "what's not to like?" | |
Audio Research S80 with DeVORE FIDELITY O/96 I mention Collings guitars as an example of actual craftsmanship as opposed to what DeVore does. I'll always feel that ARC and DeVore are overpriced, and if ARC's recent financial troubles are any indication of this I'm not alone. Schiit makes ast... | |
What is your most fond musical memory. My little local blues band opening for Led Zeppelin on their first tour (the second half of their first tour anyway...May '69...whatever happened to those guys?) is tied with seeing Moby Grape headline a show in '67 with Tim Buckley and Jimmy Hend... | |
New Pass Labs Go To I bought my Pass amp from Moon Audio. Great company. | |
Audio Research S80 with DeVORE FIDELITY O/96 For the record (is there a record?), my amps, speakers, preamp, cables, a DAC, headphone amps, and EQs (including a brilliant Loki Max I just bought) are all US made. DeVore’s cabinets are made in a furniture shop (surprisingly owned by an attorne... |