Responses from wolf_garcia
Dennis Had FIRE 300 B tube SET I've been a Dennis Had fan since I bought my Firebottle SEP in 2017. An astonishingly great sounding and extremely well built thing that can utilize many different tube types with aplomb. | |
What is the science behind audiophile fuses? Cleeds...I have extensive personal experience with fuses, including testing a pile of Synergistic Research fuses a few years ago...they were useless and risky (inaccurate current ratings) junk then, and still are silly and expensive nonsense. Qua... | |
Affordable SS that sound like Tubes Is a Pass XA-25 affordable? I use one alternated (mood swings) with a tube amp. Also, Sansui amps were at best mediocre back in the day, and compared to even the least expensive integrated these days a comparison is laughable. | |
Tube Integrated With Clarity Indicating "speed" in a tube amp is just lazy. I can highly recommend Black Ice (formerly Jolida) as a company that makes great sounding affordable tube amps that have modern snap and clarity. I owned a 502P for years and it was excellent. | |
What is the science behind audiophile fuses? Audiophile fuses are generally supported by those who spent a pile on them and are wallowing in expectation bias. Magic Fuses have never gained acceptance by the vast majority of audiophiles and certainly not gear manufacturers as there is simply ... | |
Is low cost DAC worth it? I use an excellent sounding Schiit Bifrost 2-64 for streaming from a Bluesound Node 2i (in which the internal DAC blows flaming chunks, so to speak), and an oldie but goodie DacMagic upsampling DAC (with a Peter Madnick designed Pangea P100 power ... | |
How acoustic and some simple tweaks can cure audiophile disease for small pocket budget All of this is essentially unreadable blather...otherwise, it's fabulous. | |
Soundstage Heresy IV and Forte IV @tonydennison How long did the break-in take? I simply couldn't stand that sound over 2 months, but the good news is that the IIIs with the subs and amps I use are so damn good that the only reason I'd replace them is simple curiosity...Heresy s... | |
Soundstage Heresy IV and Forte IV I initially was really impressed with the improvements done to the Heresy IVs...lower frequency range (58hz to 48hz), cool ports, better internal wire (AQ), better bolt and nut speaker attachment instead of wood screws, better speaker binding post... | |
Lush and Romantic Tube Amps So Ralph, who makes the sort of Class D amps you describe? Kidding...sorry...I'd like to try a pair of 'em someday so if there's a pair of demos floating around (unlikely as that may be)...I use a superb sounding Pass XA-25 that is allegedly "tube... | |
Soundstage Heresy IV and Forte IV I bought a pair of new "open box" (Non sequential serial numbers, but close) Heresy III "Capitol Records Anniversary" speakers maybe 5 years ago or so...1500 bucks for the pair. They use titanium diaphragms in the mid and hi horns which I mention ... | |
What DAC to buy? The Schiit Bifrost 2/64 (which my Bifrost 2 was upgraded to) is a really great sounding and well designed upgradeable DAC. I like Schiit Audio and have a Freya, a couple of headphone amps and a couple of Loki EQs. All are superbly designed and sou... | |
Immersive Audio and How to Achieve It I’ve been playing music professionally for decades and have also spent many years as an overpaid live sound system designer and mixer. I’ll wait for the applause to die down...OK then...note that nearly zero live systems are stereo mixes because t... | |
If the DAC is the same, how different do CD transports sound? If you embrace the influence of expectation bias you can appreciate that the more you spend on anything the better you will think it sounds. That always works. | |
Are your listening levels healthy? Doing damage? When I'm slightly or more than slightly drunk I pay my system louder. If I plug in a small guitar amp I leave in my listening space to play along with something on a pretty Les Paul I leave out (because it's so pretty...all my acoustics guitars st... |