Responses from yesiam_a_pirate
Need Opinions for Different Cable Manufacturers/Cable Designs I think what you pay for in a cable is to not hear it. To that end the Transparent product line is about as good as it gets. FWIW Wilson uses Transparent in their speakers. | |
I Sold my CD Player!!! Streaming sounds so incredible!!! Funny you just wrote this. Just this AM I removed my CD transport and parked it in the basement. I find CDs generally poorly recorded, clipped and way over compressed. I have over a thousand of them and just don’t like the sound. I still love ... | |
New speakers for a new start? I auditioned a pair of the new generation Wilson Watt Puppy (wierd name) last weekend. I was shocked. Holographic, literally perfect bass and a lovely room filling warm sound. I am biased against Wilson because of the name brand Hos that tout th... | |
Solo streamer I skeptically tried Paul McGowan’s AirLens because of the no hassle return policy. I absolutely love it. $2000 | |
Quality of recording while evaluating speakers Speaking of lousy recordings I think Thriller is amongst the worst. Sad, too as it’s a record that gets the girls dancing. | |
Deals Gone Bad I refuse to buy without a FaceTime conversation with the seller. It's amazing how well this works as a BS/Scam filter. | |
JBL's Marketing Blunder.. By Ditzy Airheads" you man "strong independent womyn" right? | |
I want to buy new speakers for 50,000 and see it used for 30,000, what should I do? My personal experience is this: I have purchased speakers used that I could not afford new. In my case I was happy with the used ones and the 11K I saved- which went into a good DAC. I was happy with the allocation, Additionally the mfg. warranty ... | |
You're not a true audiophile unless... The Etymology of the word means "audio lover". Based on that I'd say an audiophile is just that- a music lover who seeks to elevate the listening experience of his favorite music. | |
dac recommendations for turntable listener? I had a DirectStream I DAC with a network card that I was NOT happy with. It sounded like your description. HOWEVER I upgraded to a DirestStream II and added a AirLens and VIOLA! actual analogue sound. I have auditioned a number of DACs and the ... | |
So, a reviewer just said something I need to talk about. This is a great question. For me the brilliance of the musician is why I listen- His music, execution, cleverness of the delivery- all these are the "hooks" that pull me in. Music has the unique power to elicit emotion without thought. Another c... | |
A Better Way to Buy Gear - Help Needed Discernment is a gift many lack. For me I like to have a nice long conversation with a seller before I buy. I can pick up on BS pretty quickly if we converse. If they pass the conversation test and the questions therein I'm OK with PP friends a... | |
Audio Research versus McIntosh tube amps: anyone experience or compare both? Because the 3 little bones in your ear (ossicles) are different in every human what you hear is unique to you and as such you must have an in-home test of both amps to get your ears happy. That being said, (I'm biased) the ARC Ref 75SE is a fanta... | |
Help me understand the current amp market That's a pretty broad and tough question. Here's just one man's opinion: Because every human ear is different- the bones in them that vibrate, the size of the chamber, the thickness of skin and bones around the ear- etc. etc. your listening exper... | |
Audio Research Reference 320M is being debuted in Meunchen I'm not privy to the innerworkings at ARC but I know a few guys that work there and 1 who used to work there. Take this as both hear-say and my own opinion which is subjective at best. I believe ARC wants the 330M to be the springboard to a much... |