

Responses from yesiam_a_pirate

Still the demons of GAS pursue me
In the 70s I had a Soundcrafstman preamp/eq. PE 2217 I recall the "edge wound" wring was a sales tool. The quality was good and I loved messing around with the curve. Back then I had no critical listening skills and my Bob Seger Live Bullet and Te... 
Anyone listen to entire albums?
There are a precious few albums that are worth listening to all the way through. One enduring classic for me is The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars. I really love concept albums. Contrawise,  I hate the "throw in" songs ... 
Should Speaker Manufactures provide a Frequency Response Graph?
I have never been able to discern the voicing of a speaker from performance specs.   Heck, even the humidity levels in my room change the sound. Let alone all the other variables.  I have concluded that performance specs are for bench racing.   
Thin Line Between Critique and Courtrooms: A Dialogue on the Recent Audiophile Drama
"- Where do we draw the line between constructive criticism and damaging feedback?" The line should be at "Lied" If the manufacturer or the reviewer lied with intention to cause damage then there should be recourse. Otherwise not.  "- Is the cour... 
Your thoughts on best audiophile speakers in $10,000 neighborhood?
Sonus Faber Sonetto VIIIs are only $7000- you could go up to a Olympica Nova II for 10K. Sonus are "polite" warm speakers and not known for speed or detail. You could go to a Maggie 3.7i for 9K which seems to more closely match your listening pref... 
Streamer only
I've had several including my PC and MAC as a source (my first source). I've tried some ChiFi (Suncos @ $500) and a sound card plugged into my first decent DAC (PS Audio Perfect Wave).  I got talked into a PS Audio AirLens and have been very happy... 
The Music Room
I've tried to sell both ways- here's my conclusion:  TMR is reputable. Used gear wholesale is about 1/4 of retail. They will need to be lower than that if they're tying up their cash and taking risk on someone else's probable problem unit.  Selli... 
Lowend amp
Bryston 7BSSTs  are perfect for low bass control. I use them as my sub amps and love them. 800 watts into 1-4 ohms. Figure 4-5K for the mint ones with lots of warranty left.     
Example of a piece o’ crap, useless review
Soix- agreed. that's why I used "most". There are certainly some exceptions.   
Example of a piece o’ crap, useless review
Most all reviews are now Infomercials.    
Stereophile review of the $30,000 tekton speakers
I think the used market is a good measure of the worth of something. After all the hype and incentives are gone you are left with a thing that will only sell for what someone is willing to pay for it.  I wish the used market sites would post the ... 
Are You a Swifty?
She is a talentless, mid 7, middle age bimbo media creation with low music proficiency that got her boost by having influence with a manipulatable voting block who won't show up to vote anyway.  Cue the haters.  Isn't this forum about musical exce... 
The Psychology of Constant (Equipment) Change
I respectfully reject your premise. I don' think yours is a condition that requires a pop-psychology diagnosis. You like gear and you like music- so what? How is this any different than a mechanic buying the latest Snap-on tool when the tool truc... 
SEEKING ADVICE: Which component would you upgrade first?
Man what a cool trip back to the day!   I wouldn't sell any of that stuff. Keep it because it's your first love.  Now, If you want to pursue HiFi get in the mindset that you'll spend about 5K to get something you'll really love and be proud of. ... 
First Bi Amping Experience
Well said @ellajeanelle. As a 62 year old man I still love the punch and slam of powerful bass. Cello, tympanies, string bass, lower octaves on the piano all demand a lot from my rig. Ditto for Rammstein's Du Hast Nich. Without slam it's just not ...