

Responses from yesiam_a_pirate

It's the first deadly sin: Pride. "I'm better than you so how can you have anything better than I have?' Clearly you cannot, therefore do not.  Greed:  "I want what's mine- even if you think it's yours"  Lying: to themselves and others about wha... 
I Cried Today
God bless you for your kindness and tender heart toward your fellow man.   
New DAC with streamer
I have a PS Audio DSD Mk1 and ditched the card for a separate PS Audi AirLens Streamer. Night and day difference.  The card was a pain in the arse- dropping signal and needing to be rebooted all the time. Plus the sound sucked on almost all music.... 
My High End Audio Gear As A Long Term Investment!!!
Audio gear is not a good investment financially. It depreciates. Rapidly in many cases. No matter how much I love a piece (I'm an ARC fanboy) the used ones go down in value each year- and why shouldn't they? Caps wear out. tubes fail, pots get wor... 
Have you found your "End-Game" speakers yet? I have. And it feels so good!!!
Changing houses makes me change speakers. My end game speakers become unsatisfactory as the room they are in changes.  I've given up believing that I can build the ultimate end game rig. I've embraced the reality that swaps and upgrades are part ... 
Audiophilia: Is it the pursuit of audio excellence or just a desire to tinker.
It's both and something else too.  It's a lot of fun to tinker, learn, design, and grow in the hobby. Add to that the love of music faithfully reproduced and !Viola! A payoff for your hard work.  Most HiFi guys are aesthetics- lovers of beauty, s... 
Looking for intermediate-step Streamer: better than BS Node and not @ Bartok level pricing
I bought the new PS Audio Air Lens Streamer to replace their Bridge II streamer and mated it to a PS Audio Direct Stream Mark 1 DAC and the improvement was fantastic. I'm very happy with the sound, detail, bass and easy operation. Airlens: $1600 ... 
LessLoss C-Marc Entropic Speaker Cable
I think the HiFi world is running out of superlatives to describe the latest thing's transformational-therefore-you-must-buy-them items.   
Importance of the Preamp in a system
I have experimented with using my DAC as the pre-out to the power amps and using a preamp. Of course louder volume is achieved with the preamp, but also a lot more "music" as the preamp added detail. At least that's what my system revealed. The wi... 
I'm happy with what I have (finally loaded in my profile) and can't imagine that I'd stop upgrading. It's a lot of fun buying "the next thing" used or new at a deep discount. I think I have under 15K all-in at this point. About 1/3 of retail.   
Help settle a streaming argument!
https://imgur.com/a/WAjzRtA Here is my experience as of yesterday 10/23:   I bought a PS Audio Direct Stream DAC with the above bridge card in it. I love the DAC- way better than my other DAC experiences. The Bridge II was a disappointing experi... 
Help settle a streaming argument!
Help settle a streaming argument!
My experience so far:  I bought a PS Audio Direct Stream DAC/ Streamer with the the Bridge !! ethernet adapter about a month ago. In short the DAC is great but the Bridge II card left a lot to be desired. The music was dull and flat. All but the r... 
ARC amp differences.
I'm not sure why jasonbourne is so exercised about ARC. Maybe it's because he can't get a set of  Ref 160 monoblocks in his Mini Cooper :) Tube gear is fussy- like a Ferrari is fussy. You have to pay to play. My experience with ARC has been very ... 
XLR cables for a reasonable price?
https://www.psaudio.com/blogs/how-to/how-to-make-a-50-pair-of-high-end-xlr-cables?_pos=1&_sid=64203f5ff&_ss=r I feel your pain.  I have purchased Morrow, and Audioquest XLR interconnects at what I consider a tidy sum- over $1000 f...