Amp and Pre-Amp suggestions needed

I just picked up what will hopefully be my end-game speakers. They are TLS-1's based on the old Ohm F design, produced by Dale Harder of HHR Exotic speakers. I will probably share more in a separate speaker thread later.

It's become readily apparent that my Rogue Cronus Magnum III integrated is not cutting it with these speakers. 

I am looking for suggestions on a tube-pre and solid state amp separates that will drive the TLS-1's to nirvana. 

Here are my must haves:

- I want tone controls (treble/ bass)
- Again tube pre
- SS amp
- At least 150 wpc
- Want to keep my spend under $5k (new or used)

Yes, I already have Dale's recommendation, but I'm looking for other points of view here.

Having just two weeks ago upgraded my Naim NAP DR 300 amp to  Parasound JC1+ monoblocs for my Wilson Sasha2s I have to comment that technically the Naim had "enough" power and drove high current into low ohms, but I was not getting anywhere near the performance the Sasha 2s are capable of. I can highly recommend the Parasound JC__+ stuff, and regardless of brand I recommend giving your new speakers a ton of current. This is age old advice about lots of high current, but I just experienced it in front of my own ears. Also the sound quality at low levels was also greatly improved. Good luck.
@ audionoobie
The HHR TLS-1 mfr suggests 400 watts rms which suggests you need considerable power to run these speakers.

At $5k, getting an integrated amp rather than separates is likely better price/performance alternative unless you plan to swap out the pre /or amp in the future.

Tone controls are usually frowned upon audiophiles who believe preserving the audio signal through the audio chain is the upmost importance.  Adding tone controls adds another layer into the audio chain which would likely degrade the sound which is audible in highly resolving audio systems.  On the other hand for some it's worth the sonic tradeoff (if any depending on the to resolution of the system and the quality of the execution of the tone controls) adjust the treble/bass to suit your tastes - different strokes....  
Quick update: A local audio retailer that I have a relationship with has agreed to let me borrow a Parasound A21+ power amp and the $1600 pre, I don't recall what the name of it is off hand. He also mentioned another popular option was to have the Parasound power amp paired with a Rogue tube pre. 

If I like I will purchase both from him. 

Thank you all for the great suggestions and discussion. Much appreciated. 

The Don Sachs preamp lists at $2500.   It is just a dressed up VTA SP-14, which admittedly comes in a very plain package at $1500 assembled, or $1100 kit.    It will make you smile.

As for a SS amp, I'd look for a classic Sumo Andromeda.  A truly great amp, but a little hard to find.  Well worth the trouble and can be typically had for $1000 or a bit less.   There's a used one on EBay that needs repair that can be had for cheap.  If you've got a good repair tech in your area, that's what I'd do.

But hey.  I love great audio for cheap.  This forum probably isn't the right place for me.