Best John Mayer Album

John Mayer's name keeps popping up. What album do you think is his best?
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I am not a true JM fan (but love Jennifer A.) but in 1999 he opened up for the Rolling Stones in Houston, by himself - no band, and the 'kid' wailed. He didn't 'blow the 'stones off stage, but was very respectable in his performance. I do like Try (Steve Jordon and Pino Palladino may have something to do with this).
Mac, there's a big difference between suggesting that Stevie Ray fans might enjoy "Try", and implying that I hold the two on the same plane. The reason I mentioned it is that Mayer has been quoted as saying that SRV was a hero of his, and that he's inspired him. I'd kinda put it in the vein of "If you're a Deadhead, then you might get a kick out of Phish". Cheers,

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Not really. His early stuff is more hit conscious, sorta some place where SteelyDan, Hall&Oates and frosted PopTarts collide.

The "Try" album has more bluesy feel, some nice solos, and with live ambience plus Jordan & Palladino. IMHO worth getting, especially on vinyl.