Best sounding CD player for 6,000.

Looking for the best sounding cd player for 6,000 or less. Main interest is redbood cd's.
Hey Y'all,

I've also found a new entry into this fray. It's called the Lector CDP-7T. There are three CDPs in the line that I've had the pleasure of listening to, the CDP-5, tube output front loader and very reasonably priced at $1500 retail. They also have an all SS CDP that retails for $2200 and then there is CDP-7T. The 7T is a two box top loading unit with a separate power supply that retails for $2995. I A/B it against my Metronome CD2-V Signature that had Telefunkin 6dj8 tubes and the CDP-7T smoked it. There was no comparison. If you were in the market for a new CDP, I would highly recommend giving this player a listen. Their website is BTW, I am in no way affiliated nor am I selling these fine CDPs, I've just had a chance to hear them and I know that everyone on Audiogon loves to hear about new gear and I'm just sharing what I've found........John
I agree the Capitole is great but there's a new kid on the block, the Lektor by Ancient Audio. CD2 Transport, tube output stage, proprietary "Silver" dac, optional volume control in the analog domain, optional analog inputs, and optional granite chassis and the most natural sound I've ever heard from cd's. I am the distributor and I only involve myself in products that really make music like Ancient Audio and Oskar Heil spkrs. Do yourself a favor and check it out at
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The Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista 3D CD player if you can still find one (only 500 made!) is still the best. Sounds pretty near to SACD.
Before buying the Electrocompaniet EMC-1 MKII, I auditioned in my system the Linn Ikemi, Burmester CD Player 992, and the Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista 3D CD Player. Although I could have lived happily with any of the above, particularly the Musical Fidelity, I most liked the Electrocompaniet, as it sounded more dynamic, warmer, and less like a digital component than the others . I highly recommend Virtual Dynamics cables with this player as well.
Gotta agree with Blackchevy: my Electrocompaniet EMC-1 WITH Mk II DAC floats my boat REALLY well.
I have not heard all of the aforementioned players but the best i've heard is the Electrocompanient EMC-1. The Sony SCD-1 with the ModWright "Absolute Truth" modifications is worth checking out too. With one of Modwright's "Direct Mod" options you can plug the SCD-1 directly into your amp.
I must confess I have not heard many of the new players, because of my location but I would give high marks to the audiomeca mephisto II. It sounds glorious (I realize not a very accurate description) and if appearance is any issue it is easily one of the most beautiful. If you have any questions drop me a line

Meridian 588 is pretty good. Can be a little bright on somespeakers but should be good with M-L's.
The Sony SCD-1 is killer. A friend has it and I borrowed it for while and never wanted to give it back! Just amazing (for a Sony?) and you get Sacd as a bonus (I just listened to redbook). Arthur
I second the Ikemi, which is considerably less than 6k, especially if you can find one used. It has a great sound and excellent build quality. The Metronome also sounds very nice.
The BAT VK-D5 is very good. Other options are the Linn Ikemi, Ayre CX-7 CD player or a used Meridian 508.24. In any case, I suggest you borrow some players and listen to them in your system. cheers........
The new Musical Fidelity nu-vistor (I forget the model #) is the most involving CD player I have yet heard, and that includes the Marantz top of the line, all of Sony's SACD players, Ayre, Forsell Air Transport and many others. Haven't heard some of those mentioned here though.
If you want something musical a Vecteur transport with a Audio Note Dac Sig 3 1.x would be as good as it gets at this price point.
Muse Thalia 9 v2, give this a shot, I think you would be quite content with this choice.

Good Luck,
I would also check out the Wadia 860x and 861 CDP's. Very musical units with great functionality.
I second Lakefrontroads recs. Used Audio Aero Capitole Mk I or a used Audio Mecca Mephisto II
A used Resolution Audio CD 50 for around $1500
Or wait for the new Resolution audio Opus 21 @ 3K
Every review Ihave read on the Audio Aero Capitole compares the sound to the Resolution Audio
There are a lot of good choices here. I use the Electrocompaniet player with a Kora Hermes tube DAC. Together they can be bought for under your budget. The EC is a top loader with less moving parts and is a great stand alone but an even better transport. Both are built extremely solid and blend well together in the looks department.
I agree with all above, also add the DCS Delius plus transort to your list. Several around 4K, plus transport...
I have the Krell KPS-28c, and it's a terrific cd player. You should check it out for comparison. In the end, sonic beauty is in the ear of the listener....
I would have nominated the Levinson 39, but I hear the 390S is definitely even better (I haven't heard it yet though). Craig
Mark Levinson 390s for CD only. If you want SACD also, I second the Sony SCD-1.
I've certainly been enjoying Sony's SCD-1 SACD/cd player. The positive reviews from Stereophile on this unit seem to be pretty accurate.
I will be replacing a cd player. The system consists of Martin Logan Prodigy speakers, ARC LS1 Preamp, Magdum Dynalap MD102 tuner, ML 336 amp.