How to protect against burglary

I just wanted to get a idea on what other audiophiles have in place to discourage intruders and protect from burglary.

Any good ideas and recommendations for security companies to use?

I emailed a list and pictures of my gear to our insurance company then asked for a confirmation of receipt. Never filed a claim but want to be prepared nonetheless.
Canine security done right is THE best deterrent. You need the RIGHT breed and bred in the old style , and THREE of them. With work, you will receive total devotion to you, family and your welcomed friends. The ill-intentioned shall take heed! :)
I have non working horn,lights & empty camera enclosures on my front & rear porch areas. Plus a Belgian Shepherd. No one comes on property unless invited. The camera enclosures will soon have cameras in them.
Any piece of equipment weighing more than 50lbs will probably deter a burglar -it's tough to run with a 50lb pack - so buy heavy gear :-)

Seriously, I was once told by a guy who lived in a high crime area that all he did was to display Radio Shack security stickers on every window on the ground floor

He was never broken into while other houses around him were always getting hit

The so called "professional thief" will not be deterred by anything, but then they are only scoping houses with more serious valuables that are easier to carry.

Give the stickers/signs a try.
Everyone has right to feel safe in their property and the right to ensure that their family and their possessions are not at any risk. Today’s advanced home security technology, can give homeowners peace of mind.

private security guard
security guard for hire
I like the Hopkins incident. Way back in the day, a friend of my sisters house was burgled. Her father happened to be an archer (see where this is going?). There was a long entry that took an L turn before opening onto the main room so her father sat in the L, night after night, knowing that most burglars come back to familiar grounds around the same time (that's why they're called 'common criminals'). Well, one night the intruder came in and when turning around to gently close the door, the father let fly an arrow right into one of the cheeks of the guys ass. His scream was said to be ungodly and he leapt a tall fence and managed to drive away with that arrow in his ass cheek.

I love telling that story.

All the best,
John Hopkins University student living off campus encountered a late night break in burglar to his apartment. The perpetrator lunged at him, while the student was armed with a Samurai sword. One swing took off the assailant's hand, who bleed to death at the scene. The assailant also had 27 prior burglary arrests and charges.
Max, over half the states in this country have some kind of stand your ground law that goes back as far as the late 1800s. I have no problem with that. I own guns as well. It's the abuse of that law that people use to, say, stalk a kid who is of a different race and kill fantasizing you're some kind of vigilante that I alluded to and anyone with half a brain who's current with events would know that. Even you.

All the best,
With the introduction of low consumption LED lights, there is absolutely no reason why you should not leave your outside lights on all night. Burglars love the dark and hate well lit houses.

It doesn’t hurt to leave a pair of size 13 work boots at your door entrance along with a dog water bowl the size of a small blow up swimming pool.
I use a more common sense approach. As mentioned above, you are not going to stop a determined professional. The key is not making it easy. A good dead bolt lock on all entry doors that has long screws that anchor in the studs of the door frame. Plant rose bushes or other thorny plants in front of back yard windows. Motion sensitive lights in strategic places. Dogs are good, but you don't need a threatening one. One that barks at strangers will attract attention the burglar doesn't want.

Also Hi End gear is unlikely to be the primary target of most thieves. They are looking for what the average consumer stuff and whatever valuables are available (jewelery, cash, etc) for quick buck to make their meth buy.

Of course you should have insurance and make sure it covers your stuff. In this Hi Tech age it easy for everyone to document equipment with pictures. Makes it easier to claim on the insurance.
You make a good point don_s.

Burglary usually means no one is home. Agreed.

And I don't condone the "Uncle Joe Biden", "shoot through an open doorway" approach either. Know your target before you put your booger hook on the bang switch.

Purchase the largest and heaviest equipment you can get. It's a lot easier to steal a pair of monitors than it is to steal a six foot tall 200lb speaker. 100lb monoblocs are also tougher than a 30lb integrated amp.
Some people seem to be confusing burglary with home invasion. A gun is not the solution to preventing burglary and advertising you have at least one is an enticing invitation.

When my home was burglarized the first thing the deputy taking the report asked me is if any firearms were stolen. They are coveted prizes and allowing a burglar to steal one only endangers other people.

There have also been at least two incidents in the local news where someone killed a relative or friend they mistook for an intruder. I mean locally, not the incident in Australia with the Olympic athlete.

I could have owned an AK-47, hand grenades, and rocket launchers but it would not have prevented my home from being burglarized. I WAS NOT HOME. And that is the first thing burglars check.
I take your meaning but all one has to do is do a search on it and you'll see how things can go awry. I'm all for defending your home but everyone should familiarize themselves with just what the law will or won't do for you where you live.

If I'm home and somebody breaks in I'm not going to bother asking them why.
But when it comes to theft, an old article from (of all places) the NRA advised not to take deadly action as it can come around and bite you in the ass. Sanity made sense back in the day.

Attitudes have changed since then as has the leadership of the NRA but I'm in no big hurry to put someone in the ground. As far back as I can remember, experts have always recommended a dog and if you must, a shotgun.

All the best,
"Most sane states don't allow killing someone for theft unless you're unfortunate enough to live in one of those states with a "stand your ground" law on the books. Nowadays that castle law is being taken to extremes."

If someone breaks into your home with the intention of harming or robbing you, they should expect whatever it is they get. And what they get could be anything in a long line of home defense, up to and including lead poisoning.

Most "sane" states, and unfortunate enough to live in where they have "stand your ground" laws.

Please, save your psuedo-intellectually superior moralizing for other websites.
I'd think twice about posting a warning about being armed and ready to use it.
Some prosecutors has made a career by convincing a jury that you intended to kill someone and couldn't wait for the burglary to happen.

Most sane states don't allow killing someone for theft unless you're unfortunate enough to live in one of those states with a "stand your ground" law on the books. Nowadays that castle law is being taken to extremes.

Personally, I like the look of cameras and lights to deter common criminals. It's the uncommon criminal who will successfully rob you and you won't know it happened until you enter your home.

All the best,
"Do you think we incur burglary risk by posting system details and gallery photos of our system in this or other forums?"

Yes I do. If people can somehow track where you live. It may not happen on a forum such as this, but other places, it may happen.

I mounted a horn & a red & blue light on the front of my house that no one can miss seeing. I am thinking of adding a camera enclosure also. I do have a large dog who hangs around the front steps of the house most of the time.
"Really important is to not advertise what you have in your home to people you really don't know well."

Do you think we incur burglary risk by posting system details and gallery photos of our system in this or other forums?
A sign posted that states "Warning, protected by laser alarm system, serious injury or death could occur if unauthorized access is attempted on premises. Enter at own risk!
Home security systems with cameras (not necessary but helps) are a good deterent. Thieves do not like noisemakers. They don't want attention drawn to them. If people are watching, they prefer to go elsewhere. if you have signs in front that advertise security systems, they will typically move on also. Really important is to not advertise what you have in your home to people you really don't know well. Don't let just anyone into your home. They may not break in, but they may have told others what you have and that person may decide they want your stuff. Heavy equipment that is hard to get out when alarms are sounding also will styme thieves. Also, what I have done and recommend is that you have your local Police or Sheriff come by to do an inspection of your home and security. They will give you great insite on what to do to better protect your stuff, family, home. Such as better locks, better windows, motion detector lights high up and all around your home. Eliminate doors with windows where thieves can simply break a plane of glass and open the lock. Eliminate dark hidden spaces on the sides, back or front of your home where a potential thief can sit for hours and no one would see him/her work. Motion detector lights help here. Heavy external doors and good strong locks with long bolts into heavy constructed frames discourage the quick thief. But, again, don't advertise your stuff.

"Smith and Wesson etc type signs motivate, not discorage, thiefs."

IMO, I don't think so.
Thief's generally don't want confrontation. They want an easy, quick steal.

Just make up some phony alarm signs and attach them to the front of your house.
Create a sign for the window; This home protected by Smith & Wesson four days a week; guess which four?
That is a great defense ..........
unless of course you are the victim of an intended pantie raid!!!
Disguise your gear!

As all my electronics are located in a hallway clothes closet I simply:

-cover the mono block power amps with a brassiere

-drape a teddy over the turntable

-a single pair of granny panties covers both line and phono preamps

-I'll leave the CD player to everyone's imagination
Imo, a visual deterrent is going to encourage a thief to move on to a different target. I have a walk out basement with large windows at the back of the house. I also have security shutters on each of them that scroll down in a track and interlock producing a solid and formidable obstacle to any would-be thieves. I also have working cameras attached to the eaves and although visible and identifiable, are not obtrusive but small and discreet enough to not be visible from the street. The looks on some of these goofballs' faces at the moment of recognition is really worth the expense. At least for the cameras which are quite inexpensive including the recording equipment. Complete kit with four cameras for around $600.00
A friend with many years as a detective in law enforcement discussed this with me. Most thieves are after prosaic, easy to fence items. Macdadtexas explained the problem for the thieves well. Most of them are going to go for your wife's jewelry box, look for your guns, and walk past the expensive art and heavy audio equipment. They might try to take your nice plasma tv, but that's probably going to be the extent of their "heavy" ambitions.

As to discouraging burglars, make your house (assuming you live in a house) a less attractive target than your neighbors. Thieves want maximum return for minimum risk. Follow the usual advice about trimming shrubbery, keeping windows locked, outdoor lighting, etc.
I agreement with Macdadtexas,
On many accounts the burglars went past VERY valuable art, only to steal the television and dvd player, and maybe the toaster.
The automatic Pitbull/security concept is fundamentally flawed. There are reasons why Police/security companies do not utilize that breed. The media generated propaganda sold copy and at the same time opened the breed to be the most abused and most misunderstood!
Some career burglars are dog lovers and understand that some homeowners have the false confidence that their big dog will automatically protect their home while they are gone and enjoy proving that belief wrong.
In reality many dogs will enjoy the company of the unexpected confident guest.
It can be done right, of course, as the real APBT has been my favorite breed and always will be.
You should accept the fact that you cannot prevent a truly determined/skilled thief, but what you can do is deter the amateurs. I've read many times that thieves dislike homes with dogs. It doesn't have to be a pitbull or such, but the mere sound of a dog, or better yet dogs, loudly barking is a strong deterrent.
The insurance rider. Plus, most burglars won't know what your stuff is, or how much it's worth. Who would they sell it to? It's a very small community, so finding it for sale in your area shouldn't be hard. Take pictures of the serial numbers, and keep the files.

Also, audio equipement weighs a ton, and is bulky. Can you see some idiot trying to cary out a set of Vandersteen 5a's, or Quad 2905's? How about a Pass, Plinius, ARC or Bryston amp? Probably only the DAC, Disc Player and maybe preamp would be at risk. I have a Cary SLP98p F1, which isn't so big, but some buglar looking at it, would think it was some old thing not worth squat. That's my guess.

Who would they fence it to??

Better yet, a turntable?

I wouldn't sweat it too much.
Yep, I find that a 70 lb. pitbull will ward all but the most determined burglars. And it is a portable protection device as well...

A good Rottweiler or canine equivilanent, but nothing is foolproof. Insurance riders are available.
Forget the security companies, get a rider to your home/renter insurance policy that covers your audio equipment with a no deductible, current equal replacement.
An 8th degree blackbelt in Hapkido, or a pump 12 gauge shotgun should do the trick. A security company will do nothing for you but (hopefully) alert the police to a break-in well after the intruder is done stealing your system.