Is the Manley Steelhead still relevant?

Looking for a state-of-the-art phono stage. Budget? $15K or less. After almost 20 years, is the Manley Steelhead still relevant? Or are there newer, better options?
Since this thread is about a tube phono amp, anyone recall this being a flavor of the month?

Lots of glass in there! Unobtanium in the used market. From the reviews, it appeared to be a "end of game" piece.

Looked a little compromised in the build department, (generic looking case) but all the performance reports were positive.

Absolutely! All Manley gear will always be relevant, IMO. EveAnna is such a passionate audiophile and tube expert. She’s a total rock star. All Manley stuff is made with all top notch components and tubes, as shown here on this Analog Planet vid where Mikey Fremer tours the Manley factory. This vid will show how their gear will always stay relevant and keep most if not eventually all of their original value.
$15K will get the "end game" piece.

As mentioned above, the Allnic, or something cool as the Luxman are at that level. After that, it's all table madness to blame for nervosa!
I ran a Steelhead RC for four years, during which time I went through four turntables, five tonearms, and many cartridges. I liked it a lot; for the money and versatility, it's hard to beat. But that said, it was readily bested by the Allnic H3000 that replaced it, albeit at a substantially higher cost.
I've owned mine for five years and I love it. Each time I have improved some aspect of my turntables I have discovered just how good the Steelhead is. Changing from VPI decks to hot-rodded NOS vintage decks with Reed 3P arms. Ven den Hul Crimson Colibri. Brian Walsh doing his thing. 
The Manley Steelhead will not hold you back. I don't claim nothing beats it for the price, but I do claim it would be next to impossible to think of it as a limiter/bottleneck. 
Btw, many claim to have had hum problems due to the Steelhead and imho they are wrong. Once I jettisoned my two VPI arms, my hum problems went away. De nada. Zilch. Bupkis. 
I don't doubt Mikey for a second insisting that for his system, newer more elaborate designs beat it. But my system is pretty "up there", just not Mikey level. 
Yes, the Manley Steelhead is still relevant. I don´t see how you could do better for the money.
A caveat: I believe that the earlier model had QC problems, but these seem to have been overcome.
ebm, it better be as it is way more expensive. I do like that it has a balanced input. I do not like that is has 2 12AX7s in it. All the phono amps that I have listened to that have 12 AX7s have been colored. I know the Steelhead is not. I have not heard the TW. 
Absolutely. It gives you quite a lot for the money. If you get one and put super low noise tubes from RAM Audio Labs in it you can not do much better without spending frightful money.