Mellow speakers for a digital piano

I have been trying to get my digital piano to sound more mellow instead of so sharp / tinny.

What I have been using are Focal CMS40 powered monitors and JBL LSR 305 powered monitors.
I get a nice clear sound but it is too sharp, yet.   I have tried EQ boxes and even that does not do it for me.

I hear piano sounds (internet) from various sources and I long for that sound from my piano.

I wish to find something I can put on a stand behind my piano and at ear level.

I have read things on this site that are encouraging but have no idea if what someone else likes is what I would like.    

Any thoughts ?
IMO your on the right track with powered speakers just the wrong maker.. Look at Audioengine & Kanto..They have a richly balanced sound & I see no reason they wouldn’t give you what your looking for...
I use Genelec 8020 active monitors with my Nord Electro 5 and Korg Stage V1 tube keyboard. I also have a Traynor K4 keyboard amp with tubes.

I’d say you need tubes if you want a sweeter sounding piano. That or a much better piano.

The above combo is ideal especially as the Korg has proper weighted piano keys and the Nord has organ style keys - I can midi out from the Korg to the Nord keyboard as well as split the keyboards to have two different sounds simultaneously.
To paraphrase 

dont shoot me
i am just an audiophile
with a piano gig on the side

This will teach you not to post questions regarding pro audio on a high end audio site :) :) I'm sure the resulting confusion was worse than before the question was asked :)

I was assuming this was for home use, and was going to suggest Wharfedale Diamond 8.1 or 8.2 which have no treble at all. Failing this the Q Audio lower range stuff has a dull sound...

Pro audio gear is typically not laid back sounding unless the tweeters are blown... EQ will change the sound. However if your keyboard is midi capable, you could use it with software that will let you choose the piano sound you like and apply processing to this sound, such as reverb, in the digital domain.
Seriously, try out a reverb. Its highly likely that is part of the sound you are after.
Well, I have a mixer on the way.   I have my speakers on a swivel.  I have paper towel taped over my tweeters.

I am good to go.   LOL .....

JBL used to make a very cool keyboard speaker that someone I worked with in the early 80s used. It had a shallow but tallish cabinet, a 15" woofer and one of those "bullet" tweeters.
If this is just for home use, I would start with a tube amp of about 30 watts, like a Dynaco ST-70 or the like, and find a set of speakers that are easy to drive so that 30 watts means something.

My JBL JRX215 speakers that I use for my keyboard rig are 8 ohms and 97 db; they are easily driven by a 30 watt tube amp. On stage I use 500 watts per channel, but there is no need for that at home. You can find them for $300 each on ebay. They are not the last word in resolution, but they sound surprisingly good with a decent signal. Not much output below 40Hz.

You might also consider a set of JBL L-100s...

You might want to process the sound a bit. I would not use a mixer, but I would consider a digital reverb like this one:
Yamaha NX-N500. Lovely sound, smooth, reminds me of Era/Peachtree D4. I have Era D4 hooked up to Yamaha RX-A1060 in my sunroom and NX-N500 in my kitchen. Love them both. Nice but not boomy bass for the size.

About $500, amplification included, plus a really nice wireless music solution. I take them with me on vacations.
Wow .... now we are getting somewhere ... 

These homeopathic/Rube-Goldberg solutions may be just what I need.

LOL ....

You can be sure I will try them all.

Desperate times and all ...

Or you could just try turning your speakers outward at a 45 degree angle so you don't get the full brunt of the highs.  That would certainly be a cost-effective solution.
No, he needs to throw a lot of money at a hi-fi solution, tube amps and such. Definitely needs some shiny new gear from one of the resident dealers. There’s no way any pro audio gear will solve the problem.
I think Atmosphere was the qualified response that makes sense.
    Why not purchase a Pre amp from Atmosphere.
 You are looking for complete integrateds and confused Ralph would get it sorted for you
  I have always thought they sound nice.
I was just going to respond about the various options now beginning to sound like there is no reliable option ... only what various users have experienced and were happy with.

This is just the issue. The gear I recommended is solely based on what I've heard and what I believe might meet your needs in terms of tone. However, the MD rep made a valid point. Some home audio gear doesn't play well with instruments. Your best bet might be to take your speakers down to a Guitar Center or some other pro audio shop and see of they'll facilitate some comparisons with their monitors. I have yet to encounter a powered studio monitor that doesn't have an irritating top end, but they could exist somewhere.

In the meantime, you might try placing a piece of tissue paper in front of the tweeters of your current monitors. Not on the tweeter, but stretched across the opening in the baffle. You might be surprised by the results.

Good luck.

I have JBL 305's in one of my studio rooms and they do digital pianos just find. They have a softer upper end than the Revels in my main room. I suspect it's the samples your piano is playing and not the monitors. 
Funny you should mention "infinite options" .....

I was just going to respond about the various options now beginning to sound like there is no reliable option ... only what various users have experienced and were happy with.

I absolutely appreciate any and all responses .... that is what I came here for .... but I am now reluctant to dive in to any one of them as it sounds like it may not give me that "final solution" I am striving for.

So ... now I have decided to cut my losses and take a partial bit of advice from one of the responders.   I will order a small mixer and put it in the sound chain I already have and see what happens.

This mixer ...

Maybe I can shape the sound enough to get out of this funk.

Thanks for all the help.

Any more responses are still welcome.  I will read them and add them to my list of "options for later" as this problem never seems to go away for good.

“It takes $1800 worth of amplification to power some passive Dentons”

Definitely not and I was not suggesting that. Just thought I’d save the OP the trip down multiple rabbit holes trying to find the various components to mix and match and ultimately not meet his goals. Otherwise, there are probably infinite options out there depending on on budget and use environment.
Get a pair of 2 way powered P.A. speakers and a small pro audio sub. I use a pair of Mackie C200 10" wide dispersion speakers on stands in my studio rig (non powered, driving them with an old Alesis amp as it’s quiet…no fans), with a small Mackie mixer (PROFX8…el has an assignable graphic EQ as well as decent channel EQ and effects to play with if needed), and a now discontinued 92lb Mackie 500 watt sub (HR120 or something). My synth/piano sounds astonishing through this system…but you can get a little powered sub that will sound fine. Note that the newest "powered" version of these Mackies are lighter than my older, non powered ones (neodymium magnets), and, obviously, you then don’t need an amp…just any mixer.
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IMO, you're barking up the wrong tree using stereo speakers to amplify an instrument.  I would buy a pair of Roland keyboard amps.  I've been through this and two small amps gives much more spread and tonal weight than one larger amp.  Much more of the feeling of playing a real piano.  Also, they are much more subdued sounding than studio monitors.  I would get 2 of the ones with the 10" woofers.  $350 each.
There was a Vienna Acoustic Mozart Grand for 800.00 listed a couple of days ago. It does piano unusually well. They are very musical speakers. It likes a good 70 watts and greater that double as speakers lower their impedance. So not real demanding of an amp. 
atmosphere: Thank you for the response.

I am not very knowledgeable with this stuff so I need more specifics.

Tube Amp ? Got one in mind ?

Easy to drive ? Anything in mind ?

Here is a review site.   One of these ?

A lot depends on what you are planning.

If you are playing only at home, stereo speakers are fine. If you plan to play in a band or on stage, pro audio speakers and amp(s) are required as you will be playing considerably louder (and likely less concerned about the overall sound, so long as its undistorted, has the bandwidth and is loud enough).

You might consider a tube amp if you plan to use the piano only at home. That could easily take the sharpness out of the high end without loosing any highs (this being that often sharpness is an artifact of distortion of a kind that is common in solid state amps). Tube amps are usually best used with speakers that are fairly easy to drive- 90db+ sensitivity and 8 ohms or more, particularly in the bass region.
ok .... I am about ready to pull the trigger on the diamond 225 and the Yamaha amplifier you recommend.

However ..... 

I spoke with a consultant at MD and he could not recommend using the speakers meant for stereo use to be used with musical instruments for fear of blowing up the amp/speaker.  I mentioned that it would only be for home use.

Any response to that ?

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If you want to stay with active speakers and depending on your budget, you could also consider the KEF LS50 powered version. You will probably end up spending about the same amount by the time you add the cost for a preamp/amp combination to go with the Denton or any other passives.

Really? It takes $1800 worth of amplification to power some passive Dentons? I think not.
Keep in mind you'll need some additional gear to get any sound out of those (passive) speakers. If you want to stay with active speakers and depending on your budget, you could also consider the KEF LS50 powered version. You will probably end up spending about the same amount by the time you add the cost for a preamp/amp combination to go with the Denton or any other passives.
Yes, they will be much more mellow than the Focals, but not veiled. Give em a go. MD gives you 60 days to test them out.
It doesn't get much "sharper" (and fatiguing) than Focal monitors IMO. Get yourself a decent class A or AB amp and some Wharfedale Dentons.