Mogami - Quad 12 ga. in the house!

Found an excellent (i.e.. inexpensive) source for Mogami's 3104 speaker cable.  It's arranged as a quad 12 gauge cable, so you could bi-wire or combine to make a 9 gauge cable.

Less than $7 /foot from Markertek.  More expensive from Parts Express.

More when the pants show up.


Actually, I hear things a bit differently.  To me the Canare speaker cables really outshined the Belden, but these were Blue Jean series cables.  Each manufacturer has many lines, so not a universal thing.  

Performance Audio has Mogami 3104 for 5.11 per ft.

I bi-wire with it. Very neutral and high quality.

I recently (the past month+) attempted to purchase Canare 411S from Performance Audio and their "purchase" function did not work (for me) on their website.

I sent them an email regarding such, but did not receive a reply.

I then purchased the same cable online from Markertek and had the product in hand within 7 days (ground delivery) even though they were being hammered by extremely bad weather @ the time.

Not a big purchase (just 50'), but still.

