Mogami - Quad 12 ga. in the house!

Found an excellent (i.e.. inexpensive) source for Mogami's 3104 speaker cable.  It's arranged as a quad 12 gauge cable, so you could bi-wire or combine to make a 9 gauge cable.

Less than $7 /foot from Markertek.  More expensive from Parts Express.

More when the pants show up.


Yeah, for home theater and with that length go with whatever is cheaper.  Honestly, you’re watching movies more than listening to audio in a HT system so you’re not gonna care about whatever little differences there is in cable differences for audio.  For 2-channel, yes.  For purely HT, I think you’re wasting money on cables.  Just my $0.02 FWIW. 

Actually, I hear things a bit differently.  To me the Canare speaker cables really outshined the Belden, but these were Blue Jean series cables.  Each manufacturer has many lines, so not a universal thing.