New Synergistic Product: Tuning Discs

I was lucky enough to be asked to try out a prototype of a new Synergistic Research product. For now, I think they are calling it a Tuning disc.

What it looks like is a small wafer (smaller than a dime and is very thin). They are either in gold or purple tops and are attached using some tacking substance. I placed 2 on top of my Shunyata Sigma V2 interconnects.

I wasn’t expecting much but whoa, did these things work! First, I tried the purple on my interconnects and boy did the soundstage widen with lots of air.

Then I tried the gold discs and though the sound stage shrunk perhaps a little but the naturalness of the music was fantastic!


Hard to believe that these things work so well, I am really impressed.




Some parents have need to micromanage children, they need to protect us from a horrible, dangerous world full of shysters and con men. They don't like their children to experience things first hand.


I've found Shungite effective in shielding rfi, use it on a number of components in my streaming chain.

@ozzy :

I believe in a few days I will ask Tammy to remove this thread.

As much as I love reading about such things, people sharing their experiences, I am afraid you are right, and this is the way to go. For some reason, like flies to poop, they become magnet for deranged individuals






I see no reason for you to take your thread down.

It is your thread in which you are writing about your subjective experiences with this product thereby opening up a debate upon said product.

However we live in a democratic society,  as is this forum … ergo is it realistic to expect that every respondent will be favourably minded  toward an unexplained product with properties unknown to science, and only expect enthusiastic comment from the membership as a whole?

Que the “ Why are you in this thread weenering posts  “

Well … Its a Democracy , and those folks are entitled to post their opinion without being ganged up on by the usual * How Very Dare You* cabal ( yes you know who you are 😉) 

I hope that you keep your thread up and running and post your own considerations regardless.


Yes, my speaker cables are 1M of the Townshend F-1 Fractal cables. I'm not really sure what the conductor is. Interconnects are 3M Shunyata Sigma V2.


Ozzy, are you using them with Townshend cables?

The material might be Shungite perhaps or similar? I’ve been meaning to try Shungite, so this reminds me.

Once again, these threads start going off topic.

I only posted this thread to share my opinion of a seemingly small disc that does perform quite well.

Some of the posts remind me of a time when I was power cord denier. I mean how can a 4–6-foot length of a power cord make a difference when there are potentially miles of wire leading to my house? There is no way I could believe it.

One day a salesman offered me to try a Synergetic Master coupler. Knowing that it would do nothing other than cost me money, I reluctantly took it home.

Once plugged in I couldn’t believe it. There was more bass and more of everything! How can this be?

Well, that was the start of my journey down the road of keeping an open mind when it comes to this hobby.

So here we go again with the same type of attitude, closed minds believing it can’t be true.

At this point, I believe in a few days I will ask Tammy to remove this thread. It is creating too much hostility. Those of you later on that try these discs can post your own opinions elsewhere.


“Theories have never proven or disproven anything. It’s INVARIABLY testing and experimentation that proves or disproves theories/hypotheses.”

Excellent point, very well said. I would add that this kind of testing and experimentation can be done anywhere by anyone. Not just in controlled, laboratory like circumstances and conditions.

 no one can possibly know whether a new addition (ie: some kind of disc, crystal, fuse, interconnect, cable, etc)  will make a difference, in their system and room, with their media and to their ears, without trying them for themselves.


@thyname … Being thin skinned and  a high sense of moral indignation rarely

go well together out in big bad forum land.

yeah, using debate as a preferential mode of expression to censorship, really threatening to some it would seem, good to see you go @thyname 

please be good to your promise..

@thyname, you’d need one outstanding photographic memory in quoting deleted posts. Even when following one thread very closely with very few pages. I find your statement or asking of unrealistic. 

I’m not attacking you at all.

That was a failed attempt at humor. No sarcasm intended.

Sometimes things are funnier in my head than when put into practice.

My apologies if any small animals were injured as a result of my mistake.


That’s not nice. No need to be sarcastic.

Not sure why you are attacking me on this. Someone stated the “objectivists’” posts were removed. I observed those posts from Wesheadly were not removed. That’s the extent of it. Now I see some posts were removed. Likely from the “other side” of the discussion. I know when Pesky Rabbit and the Tsushima start posting, it gets very toxic. Every single thread these two (or is it one dude with two handles?) participate. They tend to only participate in certain threads. It’s when they start posting, that the thread goes sideways and becomes toxic. That’s when I stop following. It’s time for me to do the same for THIS thread. They ruined it


Ah, I should have been more specific.

I’m referring to the forum in general, not one particular thread.

I didn’t realize you were alluding to certain posts on this one.

My apologies if any small animals were injured as a result of my mistake.

     Don’t waste a microsecond, reading the blather from the deaf, empirically delusional, and/or doctrinally divergent.

     No one can tell you whether/how your system, room and/or ears might respond to some new addition.   There are simply too many variables.

     LIKEWISE: no one can possibly know whether a new addition (ie: some kind of disc, crystal, fuse, interconnect, cable, etc)  will make a difference, in their system and room, with their media and to their ears, without trying them for themselves.   

     Some companies offer a 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee, so- those that are actually interested, have absolutely nothing to lose, by trying (experimenting with) such.     

     Anyone that knows anything about the sciences, realizes that something like 96% of what makes up this universe, remains a mystery.       

     For centuries; humanity’s seen, heard, felt and otherwise witnessed phenomena, that none of the best minds could explain, UNTIL they developed a science or measurement, that could explain it.     

     The Naysayer Church wants you to trust their antiquated science (1800’s electrical theory) and faith-based, religious doctrine, BLINDLY ("Trust ME!"). 

     Theories have never proven or disproven anything.  It’s INVARIABLY testing and experimentation that proves or disproves theories/hypotheses.   

    IF you’re interested in the possibility of improving your system’s presentation, have a shred of confidence in your capacity for perceiving reality and trust your own senses: actually TRY whatever whets your aural appetite, FOR YOURSELF.         

                      The Naysayer Church HATES it, when THAT happens! 

We have zero capability of assessing, evaluating or deciding for ourselves, right?

then why does something contrary to your views have to be removed from sight if you are so critically astute?

Guess you are not an audiophile? 

another critically robust conclusion drawn from three brief paragraphs of text. Why not try reading my posts before you put your foot in your mouth again..

not throwing all those ideas in the book burning pile 

try looking in the mirror

Not sure what you @thecarpathian are talking about. I quickly revisited the past couple of pages, and all the posts from Wesheadly are still here. Nothing I can tell he posted that was removed. What was removed?


I do see some posts removed, but not his posts. And I think the posts have to be reported by users for Audiogon to review them for deletion. We know who does the “report” button often, don’t we?

Wonder how long it will take before the gazpacho police show up and tell us how the gear should look, too.

Good one!

Oh… and the admins here would never delete anything unless it was violating one or more of their policies, including:

Abusive towards another member

‘Explicit or violent content

Contains profanity

That is very funny. Unless you're being ironic.

I and many others have had posts deleted that violated nothing. Not even close. But poof, off they went. While some of the nastier posts that violated practically every policy at once remains for all to read.



The “man” is constantly trying to stick it to us all, right?

There is no such thing as honesty and integrity, right?

(My experience has shown me those who do not trust others are not particularly trustworthy themselves. They think everyone else, thinks like them) 

We have zero capability of assessing, evaluating or deciding for ourselves, right?

Only you understand and can see the “truth” that eludes the rest of us sheep, right?

This isn’t ivermectin, there is zero risk here. It’s an audio tweek that comes with a money back guarantee. This is a forum for audiophiles where ideas, methods and products are supposed to be discussed, experiences shared and experimentation done so as to better our listening experience. Guess you are not an audiophile? After getting a perfectly linear amp, with .000000001 THD, SNR of 100000db, plugging your ruler flat speakers into it (with lamp cords obviously) and listening to a cd, there is nothing further to discuss. After achieving those all important numbers, the only thing remaining is to discuss how it looks? Wonder how long it will take before the gazpacho police show up and tell us how the gear should look, too.
The ability to assess and evaluate requires a couple of important parts of the human psyche, such as self confidence, knowing and trusting your own senses, learning how to fully use those senses to evaluate and of course, not throwing all those ideas in the book burning pile before being able to asses. Goodness knows informing oneself is a baaaaaaad idea.

No need to burn them, they come with a money back guarantee. 

ongoing censorship of objectivist views

Objectivist views?? Of what? Of something that has not been released yet, and the dude never tried? I thought objectivism is about trying objectively something, not about having an opinion on something that they never laid eyes or hands on. This is very funny 😄 It sounds like your definition of fair and objective is drawn upon 4chan sites


Oh… and the admins here would never delete anything unless it was violating one or more of their policies, including:

Abusive towards another member

‘Explicit or violent content

Contains profanity


Oh thee optimistic and or pessimistic personalities which date back since the beginning of time itself. I will agree on this though … the deletion of posts and thread removals only to be reincarnated or never to be seen again, is always a disturbing one. Good thing our lives are not in jeopardy here … therefore I’m always willing to try.

Placebo effect is one thing....Nocebo effect work too...

If someone decided that some change in his system cannot affect the sound his brain will CONFORM the sensory apparatus and will negate the effect of the change which will not be observed not even registered ...

@mahgister you raise a very important point that is overlooked by many. Expectation bias works in both directions.

@wesheadley does raise a valid point that I do find disturbing, and that is the ongoing censorship of objectivist views that have been posted on this thread. It is rather deflating to read a post critiquing another post which is no longer available to read. While I do not agree with many of those statements that have been made, I feel that the constant deletion of posts that may be contrary to any particular philosophy or view is not conducive to informed debate on any issue.

I realise that this entire thread was taken down at one point, and can only surmise that there must be censors out there that span the entire audio political spectrum. In my view it would be nice if we could use debate as a preferential mode of expression.

I'm reminded of a dog chasing its tail. Not smart enough to understand it's impossible and only gives up when exhausted.

Moral of the story, don't get sucked in by false marketing and professional reviewers who are only interested in the next buck and a dime.

Double goes when science is unable back it up.

I also own the purple fuses and the QSA red fuses for that matter. I think these tuning discs will give you more bang for the money. It is an instant result, not something you have to let burn in or listen carefully to tell if it is doing something.

4 for $200? At $50 a pop, sounds not only affordable but a great return on your investment with a 30 day money back guarantee. Just saying...

$50? A family of 5 every time they go to the big box grocery store spends almost as much on toilet paper... Go figure.

Post removed 

I do GSD dogs, so I will probably be fine.just saying, let me find out where I am going to be staying.


Well with the pathetic comment, you'd be welcome in my home if my dog would let you in. I don't think she would, so that's out. Can't call people pathetic and not offend the dog too. The rabbit, well he's pretty quiet about the whole deal.. 

Can you guys video the test?

No mater what anyone thinks there is a point where the sound from a cable changes the sound, the quality is there, so work from there.. Pretty simple.. that .25% per 1000.00 spent is just that. Dollars spent. I normally could spend 100th of that and spend it on the room and get 20-30% increase in SQ.. There may be 5-10-20-30K cables, I just don't need them to make my system sound good. My cables are 2-300.00. Will 20K cables sound different? YES, will they sound better NO..

It's just like 20K amps, and preamps and DACs. They cost someone 20K, not me. Sorry there is a reason for tone control and it's not built into my cables.. LOL

I'll tell you what I been tinkering with magnets and cables.. Holy Moly!! Anything that can affect the field in that cable can surely affect the sound.. NOW you know why the disk change the sound, they affect the fields different mumbo jumbo. How's that for an explanation, Mr Smarty Pants..


One Guy? Huh? I’m a special guy.

Come on gents lets be courteous to others. 


@coralkong :

You Talking To Me GIFs | Tenor


LOL....250+ posts on a review for something ONE guy has heard.

LOL.....ONE guy has tried them.

Some of you people are pathetic.

@wesheadley , You never had any $20K cables to try, nor any $5K power cables to swap back and forth, did you?



EDIT: California is a big state. Where in Calif? 

I am out in SD for business next month. Anywhere near there? What kind of cables do you have? What's your gear? 

I will have a rental car, so.....let me know. I'll take you up on your bet.


LOL....250+ posts on a review for something ONE guy has heard.

LOL.....ONE guy has tried them.

Some of you people are pathetic.




Post removed 


I quite agree … I use the published or review tested specifications of an item of HiFi equipment as an aid to get me to the point of audition or not. … from that point on my ears and cognitive self take over 


Of course there are , and my comment was based upon observation of your usual easy going demeanour on the forum toward others

As to “ I have the feeling the only reasonable people in your book agree with you “

You really couldn’t be farther from the truth … I am quite content to play the lone wolf , it merely happens that some members around here seem to have independently come to the same conclusion regarding certain individuals that I have.

Now were you to apply your “ I have the feeling the only reasonable people in your book agree with you “ to some significantly Narcissistic individuals around here and their followers you would be closer to the mark

@gita yes it was lost on me and I apologize as I was puzzled from painting the tank on my Ducati. Have leak in my respirator.

@tsushima1 you have no idea who or what I am. Some tweaks do work. I have the feeling the only reasonable people in your book agree with you. Well I am not that guy I am an independent thinker.


Placebo effect is one thing....Nocebo effect work too...

If someone decided that some change in his system cannot affect the sound his brain will CONFORM the sensory apparatus and will negate the effect of the change which will not be observed not even registered ...


Then ONLY one thing count for me: change introduced in an incremental process of continuous changes in one direction .... The general tuning direction of my system....

It is called tuning a system/room...

Each step is debatable....The process in his wholeness and complete effect is not....

I used my own homemade devices in the mechanical and the electrical embeddings dimensions and especially my tuning devices in the acoustical dimension...

placebo effect?

Yes for each step separated from all the others in some case certainly there exist a form of placebo effect...

But explaining all my system S.Q. completely transformed AT THE END by only the magic of the placebo is bad science use of a serious concept...

Why not the reverse?

Why all measures obsessed people would not be described by being nocebo bearer ?


I have no idea if Synergistic products works and to which degree but consumers must decide by themselves BY EXPERIMENT...

Myself i need nothing but i will not bash others because they are curious to experiment...

Judging others experience to be delusion is only that : a prejudice worst than what some want to denounce...

The only thing that interest me in this product is what it is made of? ( i created my own " golden plates" years ago who act also like a filter all along my electrical line)

Alas! it is a trade secret i presume...Mine were a composite of shungite ( a carbon based minerals) copper and quartz....


wesheadly, tsushima1, gita et al,

You obviously consider those of us who hear clear improvements with tweaks like these fools, so why are you wasting your precious time arguing with fools?

Kindly move on.

Now, now, now......let’s just wait and see what happens.



@wesheadley , I would encourage you stretch out and test your absolute and objective audio beliefs.

Why not reach out directly? 

You might be surprised at some of our members' generosity. Take the tour. Listen for yourself. Then report back, and write a review.










You have said your peace and we understand your opinion. You will never try these items; ok we get it. Perhaps you should move on.



"I bid you good day @wesheadley and your side kick @gita Say hi to Gene."

You misapprehend me sir. My post  was sarcasm. Sorry it was lost on you.

In every subjective/objective contentious thread, without fail, someone brings up "the placebo effect" as if they invented it and none of the rest of us had considered it. It's tiring. That's why I was making fun.


As for the rest … Its akin to Borg Drones …  any threat to the collective and they are all activated 


Wohhh . That was somewhat uncalled for and not what I have come to expect from you as a reasonable guy ?!?!?

I don't understand how any of my equipment works...except my Mapleshade stuff which Pierre explained in detail to me long long ago...