i have tried the synergistic,purist audio 'dominus' and xlo limited edition and bought the xlo le. i then tried and bought the le digital and one other interconnect pair.they are great. the pa was very good also bought its size,in my system, prohibited its use. the xlo cables are fast,great detail retrieval,great transient response,very black background and huge soundstage.vocals are clearer. the speaker cables,imo,in my system,are too heavy. i am trying out a biamped pair of vahallas. but the xlos are just great. hope this helps. dave smith
Opinions on XLO, Tara Lab, Synergistic
Anyone knowing information between the XLO Limited edition, Tara Labs "The One" and the Synergistic Designer Reference interconnects. I can not decide which one to purchase for use between my DAC and Pre Amp. RCA configuration. Your opinion is greatly needed, thanks.
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