Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat

Does anyone know the intricate details of how these most current PPS eMats differ, aside by appearance, from the previous two generations of PPT eMat & eMat+?.any insight will be greatly appreciated...

Thanx! Mooncrikit
Not having any interest in buying PPT(S?) products, but following ideas here, it does seem a bit silly, if not desperate, to claim that one cannot make an opinion, or form an expectation, about something without experiencing it her/himself first.

It is odd that there is even an argument about it.
I was hoping to make you aware that you are misunderstood and point out what needs work and it is not because of your language barrier.
If you want to help me feel right to do it....Like i said i prefer to stay friends with all people, except those who bash group of people without reason....

it does seem a bit silly, if not desperate, to claim that one cannot make an opinion, or form an expectation, about something without experiencing it her/himself first.
Anybody can form an opinion WITHOUT trying a product... and everybody MUST do it...No need to experience anything to know what suit ourself....This is common sense.... NO ONE can contradict that....

 Why do you suppose the opposite? 

But entering a thread to bash not only the product but also those who had bought it and speak about it with satisfaction is not only rude it is disrespect or stupidity....Especially if we have never try it....expressing doubts is ok, sarcastically depreciating an unusual audio  product without trying it first has no meaning and is disrespectful........

Is it too complicate to understand?

Myself i dont feel the need to buy anything but i dont feel the right to say that my own creation are superior for example....I am not stupid, not rude, and i have no idea of this product....muting ourself when we dont know is wise....
Have you been told yet today cal3713?

So many condescending people in this thread but I am your target. You need a life and some perspective and perhaps a lesson in objectivity.

Indeed, I definitely need a life.  After my best friend was murdered I lost my dream job, a 17-year academic career, a 5-year relationship, am bored out of my mind, and just had to pack up my system because I'm being forced to risk my life and move across the country for a job that provides zero enjoyment during the middle of the worst health crisis of the past 100 years. 

Regarding perspective, thankfully I've only lost a 93 year old grandmother to covid and actually have a job and get paid so I'm not suffering acutely like so many out there.  So many people are losing dear family members and are worried about feeding their families every day right now...

If you could just reflect on the number of threads you participate in that devolve into unhelpful bickering like this one, I'd really appreciate it.  Obviously others are also guilty, but you really do attack people a lot and then talk about how dumb they are while citing your superior experience and knowledge.  I'm probably just more sensitive to it from you because I got swept up in such accusations a while back, sorry... 

And sorry for the off-topic post folks.  As I said in the "angry audiophile thread" I just wish we could all try to help each other learn about music reproduction without the personal attacks. Education without condescension.  I'll work on getting better at it myself.
@cal3713 indeed, that is a heap of loss and change, tumult packed into a small bit of time. Wisdom in your post. Any help i can give i extend. My best to you

@tomic601 Thanks Jim, I appreciate it.  Everyone suffers intensely in this life and learns to live with it in their own way.  So unfortunate that there's so much pain out there.  At least we've got music.
in my mind, the pigmy has a graphene suit....uncrushable and speech enabled....
Albert was a nice guy but i bet he drew the line with the Nazi. We would do well to rename an American river Isar.....
cal3713 If you want a book on any subject to help you just send me a mail.... i may be able to help also....

Tomic601 will help you with music.... 😊
Thanks all.  Much appreciated.  And if you wanted to help out in any other ways, I'd be really happy if you felt like buying my house! 

Walking distance to over 100 bars and restaurants and two of the major indoor music venues in Denver, 1.5 miles from downtown, 1.5 miles from the botanical gardens, and the appraisal went from $440 to $660 in 4 years, so it's a wonderful investment.  That trend isn't stopping anytime soon.
And to get back on topic.  I do not have any PPT mats installed (and haven't heard them), but will happily do so if you buy the house.  
Krissy rocks!
Not all of his knowledge left this Earth when Tim did.
Peace, and enjoy the music.

Here it goes again. As usual, proponents rather than opponents.

In an audio thread about products:

1-When facing a product there is the neutrality of those who tough curious CANNOT have an opinion like myself because i never use it....

2-There is the folks that use the product and are very happy...

3- Those who have use it but have discontent or contrary impressions than the satisfied customers...And they can and must speak about their experiencebecause they have ONE....

4- and those that everybody will qualify "jerks" who without any experience of the product wil throw hate or suspicion without any other motivation than their own bile expression in a subtle or not so subtle way...

I dont see any other attitude between adults on an audio forum....
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Einstein did not hang around fools.

glupson you are so.....discriminating:-)

cal3713, you are quite correct. Well put.

audio2design, cal has a point. You are coming across a bit harsh here and you know I am on your side. The mat is a silly concept that does nothing but massage the brains of the people that waste money on it. But hey, is their prerogative to do silly things. They should be saving their money for better equipment.
The forward thinking  big money guys with big problems found Einstein, not the other way around.
Is it time to mention that Albert Einstein is also slightly overmentioned in Audiogon threads?

If you do not agree, remember that even millercarbon put Einstein's picture next to his Audiogon name.

If only others knew the depth of the proponents knowledge and to the extent this knowledge is being understood and implemented. Tom

I was referring to name of the deceased being dragged in here again.

Not separating an item from a person will inevitably bring the view of the person from an angle some may not like. It is like asking to be dragged through the mud and then complaining about getting dirty.

It is unfair to the deceased that people are bringing him in here. It is disgusting, in fact. Why not let the man rest without some irresponsible shouting?

It is really not about some proponents' knowledge, it is about insisting on bringing a long-gone person into arguments. All the knowledge can be discussed somehow, but this extreme urge to talk about a person is beyond comprehension.
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@tvad Thank you.
@oldhvymec Thanks for that story. It’s just impossible to accurately imagine how much suffering people go through in this world. No matter how bad you have it, sadly someone’s always beating you in the competition down the well. It’s a shame it’s so hard to keep those downward comparisons in mind when your personal issues are at the forefront. In the end I guess it's because pain is pain, whether it’s from a 2 year old not getting their way or the truly horrible shit that happens in war. It’s activating the same areas of the brain.

As I said above, hey, at least we’ve got music.

And on-topic. Agreed with the statement above... even if these matts (or anything else in audio) are just placebos, why not? Research clearly demonstrates that placebos can be just as real as the drugs they mimic. Hell, they might even have fewer side aside from the risk of social mocking.

thank you for reminding all of us that we should listen to each other and be kind: one cannot know the trouble the other has seen and I wish you well. And by the way: Enjoy the Music is a good recipe for healing, not a battle ground
@ mooncrikit
I suspect only two people have knowledge of the "intricate details" of the PPT mats, and one isn't with us anymore. I don't think that knowledge is necessary though, to understand that they do work. I have multiple mats of the second and third generation.  I believe they get incrementally stronger with each generation.  I have met no one who actually owns these mats who doesn't find a significant increase in presence and breath in their system.  I personally don't care how they are manufactured, but since I have spoken with Tim and Krissy many times through the years, I do believe these were home grown products.  Few luthiers make every single part of the the guitar, although some do.  Noble is one luthier who does.  Most will purchase machine heads and other minor items and build the majority of the guitar themselves and make something unique.  The real question you should be asking, is where can I get some.  When these products were sold by PPT they had a money back guarantee.  I doubt there are many used items on the market.  Good luck. 
Einstein was an iconoclast. Not just me saying it either. Do a search. An iconoclast is one who breaks down old ideas. You old idea guys can carp all you want about why he's there. I'm TELLING you why he's there!  

There's basically two kinds of people here: Ones who listen, and ones who blather. The ones who listen tell others what they hear. The ones who blather tell others what they think. If only they could hear, then they could participate. We are after all audiophiles. Literally those who love sound. They are technophiles, those who love technology.  

Poor saps, don't even know they are on the wrong site.
Some of us are iconoblasts.

(no millercarbon, Google will not make it quick, you have to know the words)
some of us understand the tech so we don’t wander randomly hoping for that next increment......and clearly the tech frontier is evolving, expanding and as yet does not fully explain music, let alone music reproduction.

enjoy the music

but never embrace the Nazi or those who support them

what did King Dotard say “ stand by “.....
@mooncrikit  I am using 4 of the original emats as well as TC from PPT everywhere in my system but none of my searches have linked to a "Perfect Path Solutions" company or anything from them except a review from MC of TC from PPS which was obviously a PPT product.

Care to share one?

The mat is a silly concept that does nothing but massage the brains of the people that waste money on it.

You will note Mijoystyn I have never called the product silly. I even gave it the benefit of the doubt it does something.  In that aspect I am not being harsh at all.  I don't for a minute believe the company that produced it had any ability to effectively create an effective EMI absorbing mat let alone measure it to show effectiveness. That is not being harsh or talking ill it is just what it is.  A review of their website while active was probably a good reflection of their capabilities.

Now the claims that are made about said product those are totally silly.  I didn't even realize how silly till someone pointed them out in this thread. I thought they were joking. Turns out nope.  That is a reflection on the people making the claims, not the purveyor of the product.
Any rethoric coming from you will never change the fact that almost ALL customers buying these products were satisfied...

Then without any means nor desire to verify by yourself, except suggestion, supposition, and sophism, you insinuate that all the buyers communicating in these threads suffers collective hypnosis or collective placebo effect....

Like turntable owners suffering from deluded ignorance of a theorem...

You stir a pot of yours that is very revealing of you....Not of the product that i never bought myself anyway....

But i prefer to trust people testimonies than "deductions" around a void of experience....

let alone measure it to show effectiveness
How in the hell do you measure for example the effect of a piece shungite compressing the sound when put on an amplifier?

With an apparatus devised by your genius? Try your ears....

I dont doubt that a scientific explanation of these fact exist by the way, but i dont know it myself and i doubt that you know it....

Anyway you will not even try, you only trust a few equations written in a book you learned longtime ago....But reality dont hide behind few equations...It is only a veil or some glass man put in front of his eyes to use nature...Useful indeed but it is not reality, some equations are only arrangement in the mariage of man and reality....

Your attitude is to science what religion is to spirituality more a burden than wings....

«My equations are not your tamed dogs but dragons» An anonymus mathematician to an anonymus engineer

«Why dont you have any mathematical books in your house asked a journalist to Alexander Grothendieck? I never read mathematical books, i wrote them...» -Real anecdote

«Where these equations nobody could even dream about comes from, ask Geoffrey Hardy to Ramanujan ? From the goddess Namagiri Thayar in my dreams answered the greatest mathematician since Archimedes and Gauss...
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"...almost ALL customers buying these products were satisfied..."

It does say a lot about customer satisfaction, but does not say anything about performance of the product. Those two are not the same issue.

Many people continue liking products that are not the greatest in many ways and many people dread products that perform well.
There is one place the PPE products DO NOT work correctly-MAGNETS.  The E-Mats absolutely made a sonic difference in my system even though I didn't use them.   My system has small magnets in various locations in my system which are proprietary (no, not the HUGE in line magnets of High Fidelity cables) with paired metals.   
So after hearing Frank tell me they work great on speakers I tried it and sure enough they do. But having a Mat taped on the side looks dumb, even for me, and besides the outside of the cabinet is pretty far from the drivers and wires. So the drivers came out and the Mats were cut up and wrapped around the driver magnets. Huge improvement. Much better.

A magnet when you think about it is nothing more than a static electromagnetic field. No different in principle from the fluctuating electromagnetic field we call music. No idea what your small magnets are doing but around great big speaker magnets they are great. Worked great on the Talons, working great on the Tektons. 
My Legacy Signature IIIs have every available surface area covered in PPT Mats. Yep, it looks weird, but the improvement in sound was really significant and well worth the effort. I listen in a low-light environment, so the mats on the speakers don’t bother me at all.

Last night the system had Janice Ian front and center ... almost like I could reach out and touch her. Also, I listened to a private recording of the L.A. Phil performing Tchaikovsky’s Second Piano Concerto transferred directly from the master tape. It was like I was being transported right into the concert hall ... and the piano was dead-on tonally. Simply amazing.


oregonpapa4,355 posts01-24-2021 11:42amMy Legacy Signature IIIs have every available surface area covered in PPT Mats. Yep, it looks weird, but the improvement in sound was really significant and well worth the effort. I listen in a low-light environment, so the mats on the speakers don’t bother me at all.

The surface area of Legacy Signature III's is about 2400 square inches (removing a reasonable allocation for the drivers).  The PPT Mats are about 75 square inches (from tweakaudio website).  That means that each speaker would require 32 of the mats to cover the speaker.  2 speakers would required 64 mats.  At a price of $300 for the original, that is $19,200 in mats. Now I have no doubt if you bought 64 you would have gotten some discount, but I think most would question whether the best spent on the way to audio nirvana. 

Due to the magnets, this is what happened when I put the the mats on the back of my speakers (I also have a second system with Legacy Signature IIIs).  On the rear bottom where the crossover is located, it elevated the bass response.   On the rear behind drivers, it elevated the mids and tweeters.   So, it did have a profound effect, just not one I wanted.   Much like using Synergistic Research HFTs.   For non-magnetic reasons, the HFT-X under my tweeters just enhance the highs too much for my system and the HFT regular in the rear enhance the mids too much (enhance meaning making prominent).  I have tried Mats on power panels, isolation transformers and other equipment.  No go but they always made a difference, quite prominently.  So I recommend trying them out to see if they enhance the sound you want.  
My Legacy Signature IIIs have every available surface area covered in PPT Mats. Yep, it looks weird, but the improvement in sound was really significant and well worth the effort. I listen in a low-light environment, so the mats on the speakers don’t bother me at all.

Last night the system had Janice Ian front and center ... almost like I could reach out and touch her. Also, I listened to a private recording of the L.A. Phil performing Tchaikovsky’s Second Piano Concerto transferred directly from the master tape. It was like I was being transported right into the concert hall ... and the piano was dead-on tonally. Simply amazing. 


That's the most amazing part, that spine-tingling feeling of "it's right there!" Just can't get that any other way. Not that I have found. And I have tried a LOT of different ways! 

Isn't it funny though, that guy, he's actually getting close, but never will get there because of his awful attitude. Won't ever even know what we're talking about. Sad. And yet, hilarious!
I have used TC and was very, very happy with the results.  Had I know Tim was sick and there was uncertainty about future supply, I would have bought many, many tubes of it. I have had to disassemble and move my system multiple times now and the magic is receding :(
"A magnet when you think about it is nothing more than a static electromagnetic field."

Does this apply to "moving magnet", too?
millercarbon ...

The only non-PPT enhanced system I've ever heard that came close to the kind of realism we are getting was Randy Cooley's room (Optimal Enchantment) at one of the audio shows. Randy always plays tasteful music during his demonstrations. He was using all of the ARC reference stuff, the big Basis turntable, and Vandersteen's best speakers. The retail value of Randy's demo system had to be several hundreds of thousands of dollars. And yet, my modest Legacy Signature IIIs are pumping out sound like that. Even better actually. 

"And yet, my modest Legacy Signature IIIs are pumping out sound like that. Even better actually."

Poor Randy.
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