Poor Fritz

There’s no better value and no one as willing to make bespoke speakers out there than Fritz and these forums treat his speakers as if they cost $200K.
They don’t. They are remarkably affordable and yet potential customers put him through the absolute ringer, asking for custom features, going through 2 or 3 models of home auditions and maybe not even buying any of them.

Look, you buy what you want to buy, but I think not enough credit is given to the man or his speakers in terms of the overall value proposition and I think this is a disservice overall.  If you write a 5 page review, please keep this very much in mind that you are not reviewing Wilson or Focal's flagships.  Maybe he doesn't deserve quite the same scrutiny.

fwiw, I like those particular 7" ScanSpeak mid-woofers quite a bit, used them another custom rebuild recently. Very musical sounding. The new owner of these custom built speakers really likes them a lot.  

Agree, Fritz could charge more.  The return comes from his customers and their regular referrals and great praise.  Seems like it's a Win-Win as you well know - as good as anyone does. Thumbs up, cool setup u have. Keep us posted on the new Belles after 250hrs :)   
FYI, the 7" ScanSpeak mid-woofer are in fact 6.5" and they are among the best in the world.  Not only are they very good sounding in the bass to mids, they also have amazing extension in the right cabinet.

There’s a reason why they’ve appeared often in statement products. Also, in case anyone is trying to gauge them by the specs, the specs lie. The measured frequency response is actually better than spec, a fact I’ve confirmed with a couple of speaker makers with the ability to measure.


@cd318 put it very nicely:

At the end of the day Fritz speakers will have to compete with other makes at similar price points. I'm sure that Fritz will be very aware of this. It's probably in his head morning noon and night.
My guess is that Fritz is no longer that worried. He has been in business, successful, with people still talking about and buying his speakers for, what, 30+ years? I'll be lucky if anyone talks about what I do 10 or 20 years from now, let alone 30. 
I've met Fritz at several audio shows.  He is a very nice man.  I enjoyed listening to his speakers.   I would compare them to Harbeths (smaller ones).  I am not in the market for mini-monitor type speakers but I can recommend them based on what I heard.
That is a very good suggestion Audioman 58, no need to check your self-awareness. If Fritz offered an optional special edition for $500. then it would only enhance them from a value standpoint. I think many potential customers who are spending $3500. for a pair of monitors that might be worth $5,000. or $6,000., would certainly spend an extra well spent $500. for monitors that would compete with monitors in the 10K range. In any event I believe Fritz will customize his speakers which is a great advantage of working with a very small company.