Price to list ad

I'm listing an ad for $1999 and A-gon fee is $39.99!! Is that right? If it is, wow what a price increase.
On two recent sales, listed both here and usaudiomart, it was the free ad that made the sale!
OK, as a follow-up, now I know why I thought the fees were 10% here.

One time I had asked about an item, and even made a relatively close offer, telling them I was a newbie to Audiogon, and the person wrote back saying the fees would be 10%, and so I should get a bit closer to the price they were asking.

So now I'm glad I didn't.  It apparently didn't end up selling, even though they said somebody else was buying it the next day when they got paid, unless I increased my offer right then.  

@trelja Congrats on your move Vancouver is gorgeous and cosmopolitan and great food. Philly is, well there is some great food. :p  Just teasing but seriously congrats on your move sounds great and enjoy your retirement sounds like you've really earned it! And so is a new reference Vancouver system on the way?
@trelja , that sounds GREAT Joe!
I can relate to the getting up early day after day after day grind, yes, that does get old very quickly.
You are very fortunate to be able to get out of that rat race at such a young age. I'm envious!

And yes, I DO believe  that there are areas MUCH cleaner than Philadelphia!! Hahaha! I've seen them!
We are kind of trapped here due to our roots though. With grandchildren here now, I don't think my wife would ever consider moving!!
If I could, I've always loved the San Diego area, though a bit pricey, it's probably worth it!

Best wishes again, I'm sure that you will have a great time out there!
@jmcgrogan2  "@trelja , Joe, you are moving to Vancouver?????
Good luck! I hope that all is well!"

Thank you for your concern and well wishes, John.

All IS well.  Always had the dream to retire when I was in my 40s, and looks like I hit that with almost 2 years to spare.  Will need to find something to keep myself busy, but getting up early, day after day after day after day for the daily grind looks like it won't be one of them.  Had a house in the Vancouver area the past several years, and spent a fair amount of time there, and just bought a second one.  It's a wonderful environment, extraordinarily safe, good and friendly people, beautiful scenery, MUCH cleaner than the Philadelphia region where you and I live (if you can believe that), incredible economic engine, and comfortable weather through the year.  Neighbors there like to joke the two things I won't need any more are snow shovels (or, snow blowers) and air conditioners.  Still keeping the house here and at the Jersey shore, but will make the Pacific Northwest the home base.  At least, for now...
Thanks jmcgrogan & everyone else for the input. Sounds like US Audio Mart and maybe AA are good alternatives. In the past I've used Agons flat fee pricing as it allows for more direct communication but my past sales were $1500 or less per item.But with higher priced items I wish to sell now the selling costs go up significally. And with flat fees you are out the money even if you don't sell. 
But I agree Agon has a larger pool of people seeing ads so I guess you pay for larger pool of potential customers.

I tried selling on Agon, and yes you have to pay to list for each listing period of time. No other site charges you to list. I did get a few responses on Agon but they were always tempered with low end offers and phrases like" I just don’t see why I should pay any more" because the average selling price of an item was researched. US Amart was a little easier to negotiate with people, Agon, not so much. EBay is also charging to list, which is relatively new, and it is steep! Sometimes it takes three months to sell something and eBay and Agon are going to cost you!!! my 2 sense. Side note: eBay has some crazy types that respond to ads but Agon and US Amart typically don't see that kind of traffic.
That's it, keep telling Audiogon what a bargain they are, watch that 2% increase. 

I do agree, If I need to dump gear FAST, Audiogon is the choice.
Fortunately, I'm not usually that desperate.

As for worldwide exposure, that may work for cables and cords, but really, how many are willing to ship speakers, amps, turntables, CDP's overseas? 

I've had buyers from Europe through US Audiomart, and I have bought cables through UK And Canuck AUdiomart.

2% for worldwide exposure to the correct potential buyers, easy setup, multiple payment methods and full transaction support. I think it is a bargain, especially with higher priced gear. AA & AM are good, however if you want a fast sale AG is the place.
@jmcgrogan2 has it spot on right. US AudioMart is a great alternative and gear does indeed sell.  It just takes a couple of weeks longer. The rates here on Agon are simply too high unless selling something not very expensive. I must have over 700 transactions here, but the continuous price increases have forced me elsewhere. Audio Circles is also a good place to sell.  
Usaudiomart is the way to go imho. I've been using it's sister site, CanuckAudioMart for years with great success. 
Agree that Audiogon gets the most action, and if you list using percentage vs. flat fee, you are actually losing 5% due to PP. I still recommend Audiogon for the fastest sale and most trusted community.

But recently there has been increased views on usaudiomart and I have been having VG success selling there. Knowledgeable buyers with no incidents.
+1, elizabeth. 

Try and sell your equipment on US Audio Mart or eBay, it’s a bloody nightmare. 
Post removed 
No its $4 to post the Ad then 2% of the sale price if it sells. If it doesn't sell you are out $4.
OK, I don't have to admit, it is obvious, but I'm a newbie here.

Is the price then 2% to list the ad, plus $4?  And it doesn't matter if it sells or not?

Or is the price $4 to list the ad, then 2% of the sale price?

I didn't see any specific FAQ section about fees, but maybe I wasn't looking in the right place.

I don't trade equipment very often so therefore I don't sell much. I did however just have an item on both A'gon & US Audio Mart. I received inquiries and made the sale on A'gon. Never heard a thing from anyone on US Audio Mart. As much as you may not like the fees, A'gon seems to be the place to get it it done.
It's all a matter of perspective. I've never posted a for sale ad on Ebay, I guess because of the pricing. I post fewer here now too, because of the pricing.
2% may not sound like much, but add the 3% PayPal fee, and shipping, and things start to add up quickly.

On the bright side, because of all these higher costs of doing "business" these days, I do a whole lot less buying and selling compared to a decade ago. All the associated fees have helped me curtail my spending.
So I guess it's better in the long run. ;^)
I posted 4 for sale ads yesterday here on Audiogon.  All 4 items sold in less than 24 hours.  The fact that Audiogon has the largest amount of viewers is what enabled me to sell the items very quickly.  I happily paid my 2% fees per item.  Flea Bay not only charges 10%, but they also keep your money in escrow until the buyer receives the item.  I won't do business there.
Well, I’ve been around here a long time. Not trading so much as of late, but since the beginning.
Prices to post ads here are pretty reasonable it seems to me. I mean there are no other sites that truly compare. Think about it, there are a very small number of people even interested in most high end audio. Audiogon draws that audience.
 I have used all the others mentioned above.
you could always try Craigslist 😉
@jmcgrogan2 Sounds about right I joined in 2000 too and remember the $2 days $4 sounds fair also. 2% seems high but I guess to a certain extent you get what you pay for though I may give USA Audiomart a try sometime.
EBAY is 10% !!!! of your sales price including shipping . Your not going to find a better place to sell then here at Agon  . 
@trelja , Joe, you are moving to Vancouver?????
Good luck! I hope that all is well!

I also have had good success with US Audiomart. I have had some success with Audio Asylum, but very little. AA usually has to be less expensive items (<$1,000) for any interest.

I also know that Audio Circle and What's Best Forum allow for ads on their sites. I have placed my first ad on WBF about a week ago, with no interest yet.

If you can afford to be patient, the free sites work well.
However, if you HAVE to sell something fast, Audiogon is still the heaviest traffic spot.
Of course that speed comes at a price.

@jond , it was $2 an ad when I joined in 2000, then swelled up to $4 an ad a few years later. It jumped up to 2% roughly 5 years ago?
$4 to 2% was a HUGE jump! Especially when you are selling $5K+ components.
I probably sell about 75% of my gear on US Audiomart now.
AS BB King said your paying the cost to be the boss.Things are very slow in the Audiogon good luck though!!
En route to flipping my main residence from Philadelphia to Vancouver, BC, and a house of less than half the size, I've been trying to sell off some of the extraneous stuff I've collected, and tried several of the sites.

USA Audio Mart and Audio Asylum offer free ads.  Well, you can actually list 7 items for free in a month at USA Audio Mart.  For most folks, that won't hamstring them. 

I get a good amount of interest from USA Audio Mart, and have sold several items there.  That's definitely a godd first step.

As much as I want to support Audio Asylum, I've tried AA Trader many times over the past years, including now.  All I can say it's more or less a dud.  You just don't reach many folks, and the number of inquiries and folks who move forward comes in the worst of the sites I've tried.  Yes, I'm calling Audio Asylum dead last going away in this race.

You may have an issue with Audiogon rates.  Say what you will, but Audiogon captures the most eyes, and seems to generate the most interest.  Factor in the cost of the ad to the final sale price, and how much a component generates for you.  If you come out ahead, that's the cost of doing business, and obviously justified it.

For what it's worth, for lower dollar or lower level components, I've been having excellent success at eBay
That 2% does seem usurious what was it previously? I've been selling mostly smaller items lately and haven't paid much attention.
"You might look f or other alternatives I have"

I am looking to sell some equipment in the $1500-4000 price range. I have sold plenty of stuff in the past but didn't realize hiiw much Agons price went up.
Could you list several alternative webs ites to sell gear?
$1,999 X 2% = $39.98, plus the $4 you paid to list the ad = $43.98.
Or $50 if you paid upfront for the $1,500 - $3,499 price range.

Yes, it is pretty pricey to advertise here anymore.
You might look for other alternatives, I have.