Puritan PMS 156 vs. Audioquest Niagara 3000

Has anyone compared these to conditioners to each other?  I would be using them for my front end and 150 watt solid state mono block amps.  I can kind of get a feel via some of the reviews but was looking for a direct comparison on the sound signature.  Hoping to achieve a lower noise floor without restricting the dynamics or existing tone signature.  Thanks.   

ASR are the most uneducated bunch myself and most veteran Audiophiles distain 

in dacs comparing a $800 topping to $5k well know dacs for better specs  the 👂 ear is what counts most the Puritan I have writte to them many times ,Furutech makes a gold copper ring the outlets sit in ,and the brightness is because Puritan is too cheap to use quality outlets Gold over Copper is a quality outlet .

Puritan uses cheap Hubble type outlets made of Brass which is bright vs Copper 

Copper is 3x better conductor,3x less resistance,noise, they refuse to listen. My friend bought the zpFurutech Rings as you can see on you tube , and he  installed 

gold Copper outlets night and day better for about $600 in parts .

AQ 300 for example All outlets are gold Beryllium Copper . If buying the AQ 

Perrotta Consultants audio give very good deals buy a Blizzard power cord or higher get 20% off .

@phillyb it depends. If the people listening were ASR acolytes and they were told everything measured perfectly and had been blessed by Amir, there would be no system ever that could compare. If it was done blind, likely, "fine".


I’ve always wondered what a system consisting of only ASR approved components would sound like. 

Lol. You bypassed $10000 worth of products above the Niagara 5000 to get to the Stromtank. You had better prefer it.

I agree with twoleftears.   I’d try and get a home trial as systems are so different.   In my system I tried the Niagara 5000 and the PSM156 and I preferred the Niagara.   The PSM made things too bright.   

I ended up with a stromtank 1000 which I prefer over both.

Good Luck!

I have the 3000 powered by a Hurricane cable.  Just tried the PSM156 (with its own classic power cable).  Not a subtle difference, the PSM is WAYYY better.  Better image, better soundstage, better bass, better clarity, better life, more musical, 3000 is dull and flat in comparison.

No brainer, get the PSM (not affliated in any way- the PSM is just better - and cheaper)

there are now literally hundreds of choices for power conditioning in this general price range and it seems new entrants near daily….some just a box w good grounding, outlets and inlet…it goes up from there…
also Brick and Mortar dealers are getting more rare.
some ability to buy and trial
a relationship with several trusted dealers AND forum posters of merit are a way to reduce risk and the sample size
So getting the kind of trusted valuable inputs above are part of the process…at least my process…i did listen to 8+ tube phono preamps…. BUT w n=8 you won’t see me posting the one selected is the giant killing best ever…..

have fun, enjoy the process and music


I have as I am a dealer of both.  I am not sure I would say that the highs were more aggressive with the Puritan.  Just unconstrained.  Both units reduce the noise floor and corrected some wonky behavior with speakers behaving unlike they should.  I have Wilson Benesch and Vivid speakers and the WBs sounded bright without conditioning and the Vivids warm which is the reverse of what I expected.  

That being said, the AQ did sound a little warmer but that may have been the thunder HC cables.  I think extension gets a bit better when you step up to Tornado or Hurricane.  That being said, you have to use all AQ cables to get the best out of the Niagara.  Puritan allowed for mixing and matching without any issue though the Thunder HC cables led to a warmer sound, even into the Puritan.

That is consistent with what I would expect.  Niagara is best with all AQ cables because of the grounding system.   The Thunder HC cables are very good but not quite at the same level as Hurricane or Tornado.
Can't you get the two units for an in-home trial?  I'm sure you can get the Niagara; try and find a dealer (Puritan have an increasing US network) willing to let you try one.

As I've posted elsewhere, I found that the PSM 156 bested a Niagara 1000 and an Isotek Sigmas EVO3, among several other units.
A direct comparison...with their gear, in their room (not yours)...seems useful to you, why? On what basis do you think that the difference they hear will somehow transcend those differences in gear, room -- let alone taste, physiology of hearing, etc.

This may seem like a snarky question, but I don't mean it to be. I've wondered about these conditioners before and after reading various posts it occurred to me that there'd be no way for me to know without trying them myself. That's why I wonder why you're hopeful you'll learn something with this question.
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tvad, thanks for your input, I think they are both excellent but it's hard to tell without a direct comparison.
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