Yes, impossible. Impossible to rank these. For the simple reason it is impossible even to say what it is this list means.
Take one thing: speaker isolation. What speaker isolation? Spikes? Which spikes? Cones? Tennis balls? Springs? Townshend Podiums? Now you're getting somewhere. Podiums under speakers is indeed a #1, or at least a strong candidate for #1. But you didn't say Podiums, you said speaker isolation. Same for everything else on the list.
You have the right idea, just not the right approach. Usually what people are after is what is the biggest bang for the buck? This question no one can answer for the simple reason everything hinges on the particular details of your system and preferences.
With all that said I will play along. What is recommended, from least to most expensive:
speaker wires- ribbons (any), Isolde, F1.
speaker isolation- Nobsound (or any springs), Pods, Bars, Podiums.
interconnects- Synergistic, until your budget reaches Townshend level
cable risers- any ceramic insulator, with vibration control
component isolation- Same as speakers: use springs, until you can afford Pods.
tube dampers - No.
power cords for amps
power cords for preamps
power cords for other compnents - this is all one thing. Same as interconnects. Except here use Synergistic until you can afford Moneoone Nova or Supernova.
better capacitors (where?) - Everywhere. But why only caps? Diodes make just as much difference in electronics. Inductors and resistors make just as much difference in speakers. Vibration control makes just as much difference in all of them.
better fuses (where?)- Wherever there are fuses.
You get the idea. Most of these have some very inexpensive options that will get you a tremendous improvement for hardly any cost. Nobsound, for example, or any generic ribbon type speaker cable. There's a reason so many people are so happy with their ribbon speaker cables. It is like Tekton, when you get the technology right it is awesome and allows you to reach a performance level attainable only for a lot more money without that technology. Springs are definitely like that. When the spring or ribbon technology is combined with superior engineering, ala Townshend, then you really have something.
So it turns out not to be impossible after all- once you look at it the right way.
Yes, impossible. Impossible to rank these. For the simple reason it is impossible even to say what it is this list means.
Take one thing: speaker isolation. What speaker isolation? Spikes? Which spikes? Cones? Tennis balls? Springs? Townshend Podiums? Now you're getting somewhere. Podiums under speakers is indeed a #1, or at least a strong candidate for #1. But you didn't say Podiums, you said speaker isolation. Same for everything else on the list.
You have the right idea, just not the right approach. Usually what people are after is what is the biggest bang for the buck? This question no one can answer for the simple reason everything hinges on the particular details of your system and preferences.
With all that said I will play along. What is recommended, from least to most expensive:
speaker wires- ribbons (any), Isolde, F1.
speaker isolation- Nobsound (or any springs), Pods, Bars, Podiums.
interconnects- Synergistic, until your budget reaches Townshend level
cable risers- any ceramic insulator, with vibration control
component isolation- Same as speakers: use springs, until you can afford Pods.
tube dampers - No.
power cords for amps
power cords for preamps
power cords for other compnents - this is all one thing. Same as interconnects. Except here use Synergistic until you can afford Moneoone Nova or Supernova.
better capacitors (where?) - Everywhere. But why only caps? Diodes make just as much difference in electronics. Inductors and resistors make just as much difference in speakers. Vibration control makes just as much difference in all of them.
better fuses (where?)- Wherever there are fuses.
You get the idea. Most of these have some very inexpensive options that will get you a tremendous improvement for hardly any cost. Nobsound, for example, or any generic ribbon type speaker cable. There's a reason so many people are so happy with their ribbon speaker cables. It is like Tekton, when you get the technology right it is awesome and allows you to reach a performance level attainable only for a lot more money without that technology. Springs are definitely like that. When the spring or ribbon technology is combined with superior engineering, ala Townshend, then you really have something.
So it turns out not to be impossible after all- once you look at it the right way.