Realy Stupid Question- how do you pronounce Teres?

Is it like 'tears' ? Or 'teh-res' or 'tear-is', 'tee-rees' or ???
Teres? damn that's an easy pronounce it like this


what I wonder...should french gear be pronounced vees a french accent...should german gear names be uttered vit a thick gutteral accent...what about the new chinese gear...hell...I'll bet some of us can't even pronounce their beer names (tsing tao for example) latin countries would the double "L" in Krell be mistaken and used in a manner similar to calle?

thank god for companies like DK
Imagine any part of the hottest porn star's body, and you got it: It's Tera's _____.
Actually the latin meaning makes the most sense. So it would follow what Tobias says and the latin pronounciation would make sense. Like Teresa without the "a."


That's how I say it.

Teres. - When the circumference is circular, but its thickness indeterminate, nearly cylindrical. (L. round.)
So far we have:

Teresa without the a - 2 votes
Tera's - 1 vote
"terrace" - 2 votes (including mine, this is the way I say it) defines the word "teres" as - "Being round and long." My teres is bigger than yours.