Sellers: When do you drop your price?

Selling my first piece of gear.  I've had a lot of views but no offers. It's been about 5 days. Great condition, 2 years old, offering about about 1/3rd off. No original box.

Perhaps all gear is particular, so if that's so, we can end this thread right here. But in case there's a general bit of advice, How long do you let an ad marinate before adjusting the price?
Who is this man that made a profit on used gear? I want to be in his presence and absorb some of that aura. Enjoy the music
And just to be absolutely clear about what a non-genius I am, after fees, additional shipping I paid (to expedite to the buyer and make sure it was professionally double-boxed), I probably cleared $75. If I had priced it at what I bought it, I would have lost about $102. This is all marginal, piddly amounts. There are zero issues here. Cheers everyone. "Enjoy the music." Good advice, thanks.
You found it at a good price (passing along the savings later), took all the risk with little info and tested it out for more than a few months, further helping to ensure the next buyer would have a nice component. And passed along some savings for the person to not have to buy new, from one Agon'er to another. I'd pay someone $75 just to test a component for me for two months for added assurance nothing is breaking down inside. That Atoll was a nice dual-mono integrated, not easy to find 2nd hand used either. Call it a finders fee too.   Good for both parties.  

yes, thank you for the details, and the full picture. As I said there is no right and wrong as it's such a complex issue.

For those who made fun of me: this is exactly what I experienced during my attempted sale, I am not surprised.