Solid state amp that tube fan can be happy with?

For a few reasons I'd like to replace my EL34 mono blocks with a stereo SS amp producing 100-250 watts at 8 ohms.  Also with at least 40K input impedance since I'll keep my tube line stage.

No local dealers to audition candidates.



Agree that Coda should be at the top of your list. The No. 8 Continuum specs meet your criteria and sonic preferences. I have one in my showroom now driving a pair of Sound Lab Majestic 745’s and it is indeed a premium solid state amplifier that manages to convey the best qualities of tubes and solid state. I’d be happy to answer any questions and help you into any of their amps if you don’t have a local dealer. Feel free to PM.

Solid state amps that sounds like tubes...  May I suggest this: 

Parroting the caption in the picture, these finned beasts resembling the Borg's spaceship from Star Trek, these really have that warmth and glow from within sound that tube gear posses.  Be sure to use a tree-trunk thick power cord on this amp so it sounds its best; I use a pair of Shunyata Anaconda Zitron HC power cords.  These cords gives the amp some oomph, a bit snappier bass, and better transient pop.  

Those Aleph 1.2s are not the newest amps on the block.  For something a bit newer, may I suggest this: 

This is Nelson Pass's previous generation of Class A amps in the XA-200.5.  These were succeeded by the ".8" generation of amps.  These ".5" amps have greater midrange warmth.  That was traded in the ".8" amps for improved air, better higher frequency response, and overall just a bit more resolving.  I have both sets of amps - the 1.2s and 200.5s..  

Lastly, I'm going to do a shameless plug form myself...  I also have very nice pair of XA-100.5 amps.  As for why I have 2 sets of XA amps, when Mark @ Reno Hifi was retiring and getting out of the audio retail game, he was selling his personal pair of XA-200.5 amps.  On complete impulse, I bought his 150 lb room heaters when I already had the XA-100.5s doing regular hifi and room heating duties.  

To all, have a prosperous and a Happy New Year!


The Atma-Sphere Class D amps are superb and maybe the best deal in Audio.

Ralph’s tube amps are also great but, for relatively little money, his Ds are as good if not better. I replaced also excellent AGD amps. The Atmas are better with much tighter, better bass. 

For me, it was my Musical Fidelity A1-2008 class A SS integrated (in HT mode) comparing with my Transcendent Sound T8-LN 25 wpc OTL amp.

The OTL wins in some ways, the Class A wins in other ways

I was pleasantly surprised (amazed?) at how great the Class A sounds in comparison to the OTL tube amp.

I don't like solid state but at the recent Capital Audio Fest I heard Mytek's newest flagship monoblocks, the Empire Ganfet, and it was seriously good. Most solid sate, regardless of price, set me off but these I would have in my home.

I replaced a PrimaLuna Dialogue HP with a Pass Labs 250.8 and my ARC 6 pre.  A perfect combination for me that gives the best of both SS and tubes.

Accuphase but they maybe out of your budget. Consider them a long term investment as they are built to last lifetime. 

Post removed 

There were many comments above that recommended the PS Audio BHK 300 mono blocks and I had a set and they were terrific.  same for the Coda 16 which is my current amp and is an even better match with my Thiel speakers.  i have not heard the newer Coda amp but it is well priced and probably a "giant Killer".

Check out Kora Audio Square Tube design power amplifier TA240.

I am a very satisfied former owner of Jeff Rowland and Merrill amplifiers, but  the Kora sits on the top of my list for naturalness and musicality…..beautifully matched with JM Reynaud Abscisse Jubilee speakers in a medium sized LR.

Alas, input impedance 10k- 20kohm maybe too low for your tube pre….

Vive la France!

McCormack, I have a DNA 0.5 (not upgraded by SMC, yet) but get my tube sound via Manley Jumbo Shrimp pre. 

CODA for class A solid state, best solid state I've ever heard. I have a CODA S5.5 which is high current 50wpc Class A (more in A/B)....and is brilliant with a tube preamp (I'm running an Aric Audio Motherlode XL)

If you're leaning Class D, Ralph's Atma-Sphere Class D mono-blocks should be looked into

The only solid-state amp I have owned that has come the closest to my tube amps is my MC2105.  It's pretty dang good.

I would suggest the Moonriver 404R or the Atma-Sphere Ganfet monoblocs.  I would be hard pressed to say which is tubier, and they are both excellent.

How about small monoblocks weighing only 35 lbs, 100 watts 8 ohms, doubling, quadrupling in 4 and 2 ohms, only warm temp Class A. Westminster Labs REI solid state-on all the time and always ready.

I used 35 to 120 watt, stereo and monoblock Class A/B tube amps for 50+ years.  No need to run hotter, tube dependent amps any longer.  Game changer!

If you are willing to TRY a class D amplifer, VTV makes a few different models class D amps, some with tube input buffers, others with different Op-amp choices to flavor the sound in the direction you want to go. These all have a 45 day trial period available which should be enough time to do a fair evaluation of the sound quality. Modules used include Hypex, Purifi, to name a couple and are available at different power levels, there are enough choices in power level you should be able to find something that works for you. I just recently got a 500 wpc Hypex based amp from them for roughly 760 bucks and I love it. Cool running, very clean sound quality, hard not to like efficient, good build quality and affordable with good sound. Class D is the future of amplification and it has arrived...its way better than anything I have heard regardless of price.

35.2 lb Westminster Labs REI

These class A amps do look great and from Robert Harley’s review in June their sound signature seems like something many would like. But for $33,900 per pair, they better be game changers!

If you don’t need more than 50 watts Class A, the $6400 45lb Coda S5.5 is a killer amp in my opinion as I personally find it matches the following from the said review’s conclusion (at least with my ears compared to my Pass X250.8 & XA30.8).

"If you’re looking for the classic “Class A sound” of softish bass and warm midrange textures at the expense of transparency and resolution, the WestminsterLab Rei monoblocks probably aren’t for you. But if it’s neutrality, high resolution, see-through transparency, dynamic liveliness, and outstanding bass you’re after..."


I appreciate those who made an effort to reply.  I think I have 3-4 candidates to evaluate further.  Yes, including the oft recommended Coda, even while rated below my power range.

However, I wonder why many appear to only read the subject line before replying?  So many suggesting mono blocs when I specified my interest is for a stereo amp.  And suggesting something for $34K was a little over the top of my stated budget of $6K


@pryso It is a problem of the times we live in, I think!

People don’t want to listen, but instead need to offer their opinion on things, everyone wants to be heard.

I have not heard the Coda S5.5 but some audiophiles & critics swear by the excellent sound from 20 to 25 year old Coda amps.   On SoundstageUltra, the editor uses old Coda amps despite having had high end and costly amps in his many systems previously. 

Be sure to check out the reviews and audition the Hegel H390 or H400. I own an H390 and folks say it conveys a warm "tube-like" sound. However, having never  owned tube equipment, I cannot confirm this. I just know it sounds fantastic!

Yes, for about three years now. They were recommended by Samuel Furon at Atelier Audio in Montreal, and I am a very happy owner. 

Have you looked into hybrid architectures? I have really enjoyed my Pathos Heritage InPol 2 in the past (tube pre and ss power stage in one stereo chassis, fully symmetrical).

you could probably find a second-hand one for around 6k

otherwise Coda, no doubt.

Not surprised many of us think monoblocs + tube pre as it is the most diverse and performing playground when it comes to seeking for tube-like sound (with greater speed, impact, dynamics, deeper and cleaner low range, etc., without compromising on the other dimensions) with ss.

Recently, I have been very impressed by Thrax and gobsmaked by Westminster Lab in that regard. None of these are options for you unfortunately (architecture and budget), just mentioning to add a line to the adjacent conversation you started without asking 😉


Considering them myself, going back and forth between them and the Voce. I feel like I will be missing some bass with the Voce, and I refuse to use a sub for infill, they're a pain to deal with in a two channel set up. 

I had the Cantabile in the past and they were nice but lacked the lower bass, it felt like it was all upper mid bass with those speakers. They were fun but limited. 

The new kid on the block First Watt SIT-5 mono's!

They are fantastic! Beautiful tone and texture like my SIT-3, but more dynamic, open, and detailed. They sound so natural and alive.

Much more power, so can be used with less efficient speakers.

30 watts in 8ohms and 60 in 4ohms, they run quite hot. 

@lucky_doggg7 Ultra thick power cables are unnecessary.  I use GroverHuffman and Westminster Labs Ultra series power cords.  The latter are 15X more expensive than GroverHuffman but are relatively thin and flexible (1/2" thick).  

we sel a few solid state amplifiers that would sound tube like



Unison research 


Dave and Troy

Audio Intellect NJ

I've got an MSB S-200 power amp and it seems to bring no coloration of its own to the party; I use it with a Herron Audio tube preamp, and it sounds like it's going through a tube preamp. 

From the feedback we started getting, it does seem that GanFET, especially the slightly warm ontop designs like our Empire Stereo Monoblocks, do satisfy listeners who up until now would prefer tubes. They usually prefer tubes because of this elusive "musicality" when you can seat and enjoy music flowing for hours without that digitus top.

GanFET amps seem to deliver the same plus more: smooth tube like top but also tight controlled bass (unlike most tube amps) - the best of both worlds!

And other pluses are they are 95% efficient (no heat nor heatsinks). When you understand their transfer characteristic it’s straight line like Class A - they sound great without feedback too. And more great things like digital input/no DAC are possible.

John Gatski, Gary Gill and DC HiFi Group are doing a GanFET / Class D shootout this weekend in DC, if you want to hear comparisons between several of them, including Myteks.

Michal at Mytek