mitch you should check out a 432evo Aeon to date we haven't found a server that beats it
the aeon is a completely modular design so the server can be improved as newer parts become available.
each part of the server is physically and electrically isolated from each other:
the cpu and motherboard are separated from the clock card and usb card
the cpu is run by by an external sbooster power supply.
while the clock and usb are run by their own separate, sbooster power supply
a laser sintered, custom made shield, eliminates radiated rfi from the low noise cpu.
A proprietary operating system runs Roon differently then most servers
in a 432 EVO server runs Ron in its own core, while background processes are run on their own core.
Music caching is run on yet another core.
in our tests the Aeon sounded as good as the $27 Innous statement next gen
we beat the Aurender n10 and N20 models
Dave and Troy
Audio intellect NJ
432evo dealers